Summer Blast
Today is amazing. It’s just like summer. As I write this it is 29 degrees. It is going to hit 30+ today. Even hotter tomorrow. Tomorrow in fact will nearly break records. There is barely anything to surf…drag the log down there and you may find something to push you. For most of this week […]

Quirky bondi
As we draw closer to summer I’ve noticed a few things around the ‘hood: • More people are up for the early. It’s not just me and a handful of surfers. Bootie camps are packed getting the rig ready for bright light. • People get boozed and pass out on the beach…always entertaining where they […]

Return to normal
All back to normal after 150,000 people rammed into Bondi yesterday for the City to Surf Fun Run. What a big day in Bondi it was. You’ve never seen so many people in our hood. Well…6:30am this morning was the complete opposite, very few out surfing, not many in the car park, bit of rain […]

Thought the swell was going to pump up a bit this morning – looks to be running late. We still have some 1 foot dribbles with infrequent, one-every-15-minute-sets. It’s clean, winds are grooming offshore and not a cloud in the sky. Winds will blow 20 knots from the SW (that direction of wind is always […]