3rd Reef
Aloha. You’d probably gathered from the 1st shot today that I am still in Hawaii. Yes, I will return – just not now. A swell has arrived here in Hawaii. A mammoth rogue beast of a swell. When it gets big here on the North Shore a unique reef system makes the waves break far […]

Good Morning
Good morning. Wasn’t it just. The beach was rammed this morning, early. I walked around with someone from New York and they were blown away at the masses doing stuff on the beach at 6:30am. I don’t think many places in the world have so many people so active so early. The surf was not […]

Morning Fizz
Southerly winds were blowing this morning puttin’ loads of chop out there. Waves broke around 2 foot, sometimes 3. The left was better than the right and the southern corner better than anything else on the beach. At first it was cloudy, then it rained for a bit, now it’s sunny. Only 18 degrees today, […]

There’s some nice deep holes in them sand banks at Bondi. Sets break on the outer banks then crumble to the beach before reforming into a nice little left rip bowl. It was short and only 2-3 foot, but the best option this morning. It’s gonna get bigger as the day progresses, like 5-6 foot […]

Kelly Slater at Tamarama
What a great week of surfing in Sydney. Yet another magical day – 3rd day in a row….ah yes, sunshine, 3 foot clean waves from a easterly swell, and now a grooming northerly. Gold. It’s not every day Kelly Slater’s in town…well, he dropped in last night, surfed Solander on dark and popped down to […]

Nice calm morning down at Bondi with next to no swell. it’s very humid and sticky, best for a swim. Tomorrow some East swell should push in, I hope so, as the Boost Air Sho kicks off with the juniors tomorrow. Bondi, facing south will neglect most of the swell energy, but hey, let’s pray […]

Snapper Pockets
Sorry about the late transmission… Today the Quiksilver Pro presented by Land Rover (yes very formal these days) was on again up here on the Gold Coast. Snapper was pumping out 2-3 footers, pretty hard work on the high tide (just shoulders) but smoking on the low tide (like now). Highlights: At 6am the pre […]

Quiky Pro is the go
So here we are, up at the Goldie for the Quiksilver Pro presented by Land Rover. After a week of lay days, it’s back on with all the big guns hitting the water at Snapper. It’s only 3 foot, but Snapper is such a good wave with pockets of gold in multiple sections – the […]

It’s just one of those mornings that you just can’t get enough of… One of the first warm mornings of this summer and everybody was up doing something down at Bondi. Very small, insignificant waves on offer today – 1 to 1.6 footers at Bondi. Perfect for the 25 kilo groms. It should be 3 […]

Kelly 10
The swell direction has changed overnight so you’ll see no action at Bondi today…need to pop over the hill. There was good little waves yesterday wasn’t there? I found some gold out of town (nope no pics, had to sample a few for myself). The sun is now blaring and finally a decent warm summery […]

Early Colour
You might be looking out your window now thinking it’s grey, gloomy and wet…but at 6:00am it was a different story. Before the storm was a spectacular sunrise full of colour, calm conditions and small dribbly surf. Tama + Bronte had a small weak wave (2ft), nothing worth pursuing. Bondi was even smaller, 1 footers […]

R i n s e
Would have to be one of the worst surf days down at Bondi this year…pretty much dead flat and damp. I am not going to show you what I shot this morning – ain’t pretty…so here is some joy from the recent Boost Mobile Surf Sho down at Bondi. The good news it can only […]

What an incredible weekend of surfing at Bondi. Overloaded. All memory cards are full of tantalising heavenly punts…I have never had my finger on the trigger as much as the past 48 hours. In every direction I looked someone was bustin’ a tail out, doing a flip or was just walking around being a world […]