Hit the highway…it’s perfectly offshore, sunny and 4-6 foot…what are you waiting for? The above set of conditions just don’t suit Bondi (it closes out with waves this size). I was kicking myself when shooting today, knowing it was pumping on the reefs far from Bondi. Shoulda got up for the dawnie and found some […]

The maximum temperature forecasted for today is 30 degrees…but it felt that hot at 6:30am this morning so maybe the Bureau boys have some broken dials. It is hot. Damn hot. You’ll break into a sweat just walking down the hill this morning…so a swim/longboard is the essential cool off. New swell direction today, NE. […]

Double Up
Seeing the swell forecast charts show a lot of zero’s it’s a bonus to get a surf in today. Bondi is squeezing the most out of this micro swell, most waves 1-2 foot and surfable(ish) Me thinks grab a long (or fat) board and go for a paddle, it’s such a nice day out there.(again) […]

high pressure
As a big fat high pressure system hovers above NSW, we are blessed with another stunning summers day. Very little wind about and the mercury will hit a steamy 27 degrees. Along with these still conditions come small waves – really small waves. Bondi was struggling to pump out a 1-2 footer this morning – […]

There are not many days in the year where Bondi beach is unsurfable. Well today is one of those days. It was barely breaking this morning…and yep…there were still people out there optimistically bobbing up and down in case of a freak 1 foot set. Fughedaboutit and crank out some work. Thick clouds coat the […]

dozer dribbles
It’s a bit like checking your shares…disappointing. That swell we had yesterday has been knocked around by the howling northerlies, leaving dribbles this morning. Bondi had micro 1-2 footers with absolutely no push. Pack of hungry mal riders in the middle having some fun. That dreaded ‘Dozer is back on the beach straightening the beach […]

shades of grey
Such a dark morning was kinda hard peeling yourself out of bed (let alone shoot any decent pics). When you got down to Bondi at 7am it was much smaller and weaker than yesterday. Guess this is because the swell direction has swung to East and better suiting joints like Maroubra. It is still more […]