Bondi traffic, this morning 6:55am

Below Sea Level

Another sublime start to the day as waves continue to dribble into the Bondi Bay under a sunny sky. The surf appeared a little bigger than yesterday, surprised as I thought the charts said smaller today. A welcome treat for those that wandered down. Offshore breezes really cleaning up the water, dive right in! :: […]

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Nice day huh? Dive right in. North Bondi this morning


[ puhl-kri-tood-n-uhs, –tyood– ] adjective physically beautiful; comely. Today is a good looking day! It looks even better after 6 months of rain. Waves were small, suitable for super-groms under 35 kilos. Not a breath of wind, solar galore, let’s party. Put the boards away, it’s gonna be flat for days. End of the week […]

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Cala Deia, Mallorca, Spain - the swim spot

Deia Dayz

We drove to the west side of Mallorca, crossed the mountains rolled down to the bay of Deia. Wow. It’s out of the wind over there and the coves (Cala) are pure glass and swimmable. The watercolours are off the hook on this island. Mallorca is bigger than you think – 100 kilometres x 100 […]

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It was just one of those days where it’s not worth even opening the car door. The wind was blowing early, the rain has already set in, the swell was small and wind beaten…nothing on offer at all. (oh and it’s quite a bit cooler). I’d like to say something like ‘no matter it’s going […]

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