Pipe Pro
Did you watch Kelly Slater nail it in the Volcom Pipe Pro yesterday? It was really quite something. The waves were good (finally), around triple head high and very hollow from a new swell. It was Slaters 66th tour win. Not bad for a guy that turns 42 next week. Well he DOES live right […]

Air Strike
We cruised the Tengirri back up the island chain for a change of scenery and came across 5 of the hottest young aerialists competing for a cool 50 grand. Yep, 50 gees to pull off the most rad air whilst on their boat trip to the Mentawais. Chippa Wilson, Jon-Jon, Ryan – they were all […]

I’m in Hawaii (HI), aloha. Oh and it’s 100% pumping. Got to the north shore and saw 10 guys get shacked off their nooonah in my first 15 minutes on the balcony. Wow. The waves are soo amazing here – a surf photographers dream. The swell charts for the next week look amazing. You’ll see […]

Aloha. Swell has dropped a tad here on the North Shore of Hawaii…but the trade winds are hooooowwwwling (and I’m not talking about the non-Hawaiians). Saw a guy do an air at Ehukai and thought he was going to land on the set behind. Difficult conditions…still size around. The odd double head high set. Hairy. […]