It was one of THOSE mornings where I’m sitting in the car watching the windscreen wipers beat side to side. It’s raining and 1/2 foot. Lake Bondi is like a ghost town. What to shoot? What am I doing with my life? Shall I go back to bed? Maybe I need to fly somewhere… Then […]

Glare Stare
Put ya sunnies on for this update as she is super glary… Wow, the colours this morning were insane! The 6:30am hue eruption made up for the tiny 1 foot waves. I know you were down there to see it. I saw you… I am still shock from yesterday’s Quiksilver Pro final between Gabs Medina […]

Morning DeBrief
Outstanding morning. Plenty up early doing their morning rituals down the beach. There’s a little wave on down at Bondi. Got some strange banks at the moment that require a specific tide. Most waves feather out the back, fizzle out in the middle, before a slap on the beach. Just position yourself somewhere in the […]

Today is a lay day at the Quiky Pro so the Snapper Rocks bar will be packed. They’ve been busy up there running 4 days in a row so they’re going to sit and wait for better surf conditions. They’ve got time up their sleeve now. Yesterday afternoon was heating up at The Pro…Joel Parkinson […]

Manly is the place to be today. Not only does it have the only surfable wave in NSW (1-2ft), the Australian Open of Surfing is on and heating up. Some big names paddling out today, you can watch it live here. The setup is amazing with a huge skate bowl imported from the U.S., a […]

We’ve got a sloppy south swell and south wind down at Bondi this morning. The weekend’s clouds are still here and the rain is on and off. Quite a wintery picture down here with only 2, maybe the odd 3 footer. Quality is very poor as squalls roll through, yet the line-up is basically empty. […]

Pool Closed
With the earth quake off New Zealand last night we’ve still got a Tsunami warning along our coastline. It couldn’t be any flatter though…dead calm. Bondi had a 1-2 foot dribble that wasn’t very exciting to watch. Yawn. The storms on the horizon were probably the most entertaining thing down the beach this morning. Thick […]

With 10-15 knots of early easterly winds it’s pretty junkie out there. At least there are waves in the 2-3 foot range…nothing special. Maybe wait for tomorrows swell spike. Parko is Back! Joel Parkinson (AUS) has just won the Quiksilver Pro up at Superbank in style scoring a perfect 10 with a massive tube. Could […]