Jetty, morning finner, Bondi 7:20am


It’s incredible what a difference 24 hours makes in the ocean. Yesterday, it was unsurfable and thundering into the bay, bouncing off the back walls. Today, it’s completely dropped off and only 3 foot – how good! Nice clean offshores grooming the multiple Bondi peaks. Large crowds up early, tackling the cooler mornings. It will […]

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Cavity glow, Bondi circa 7am today

Little Monsters

The swell has slipped a few gears, and the little tykes dominated the south peak. The low tides made it tricky, but the groms tucked in. It’s only 2-3 feet and clean at sunrise. It was a cold morning, with only 8 degrees on the mercury. The wind was particularly brutal, but the brine was […]

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Snapper Rocks, bathed in golds


The Goldie never fails to put on glorious weather and waves. It feels like summer up here; everyone’s in shorts and surfing in boardies. There’s been a healthy swell supply, and Snapper and D-bah have had plenty (plenty of crew too!) School and work seem to take a back seat when there are opportunities to […]

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Joccy right in the pocket, Bondi 7am

Lil’ Bumps

Our fantastic run of swell has come to an end, and today’s swell is smaller yet still surfable. Clean conditions at sunrise under very dark, cloudy skies. A massive pack of hungry 20-30 kilo groms out, feasting on anything moving into the bay. The little ones have such a good time in the water – […]

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Jetty's a perfect size when the lip throws.

Nug Farm

There’s a massive high-pressure system smothering Australia right now. I’m told it’s stubborn and won’t move on, blocking change (that sounds like my tykes). The pressure pushing down on the ocean is also creating very low tides. Weird huh? I won’t mind this rain period moving on, though… One of the benefits of the current […]

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One of Bondi's most underrated slayers, Luke Adam


Nothing is worse than donning a wet wettie in the dark before sunrise. This persistent nemesis onshore rain pattern seems stuck over Sydney – and won’t push offshore. Nonetheless, there are plenty of waves this morning in the chest to occasionally head wide variety. Huge pack of groms up early, feasting before school. Currently, the wind is holding off […]

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Luke Adam, blasting

South Chump Change

As I write this, a south change is moving from stage right. It’s bringing wind and waves – lots of wind. Tonight expect SSW 30 knots plus. The wave energy will ramp, and tomorrow, you’ll see conditions similar to last Saturday’s 8-footers. It will be very messy with all that wind, but interesting nonetheless. Have […]

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Looks like everyone is heading south

Wednesday Folds

It was a pretty stock-standard Bondi morning with 2-3ft waves, shallow banks, decent rips, large crowds and patchy sunrise light. The tide is low around 5 am, making most waves break straight, opportunityless. Kinda frustrating to be honest. It looks like a light northerly is feathering but not having much impact on the surf quality. […]

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Bondi breakthrough. 6:30am,

Last day of Summer

It’s the last day of summer (boo!), and we’re finishing it in stereotypical fashion – NE winds, 35 degrees and a tiny swell. It was a super warm morning with a MASSIVE sunrise crowd. So many people from overseas enjoying the morning vibes. Morning low tides created a little exposed sandbar, good for swimmers and […]

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The stage is set, big weekend coming up in Bondi


Bondi is gearing up for a party this weekend as 15,000 people hit the beach for the annual Pride party. This morning was a good prelude as the beach was absolutely packed at 6 am. I overheard a British tourist say, “What on earth is going on geezer? I mean, it’s 6am; why is everyone […]

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34 degrees yesterday and Sydney hit the beach. Bronte around midday


Yesterday was a busy beach day around Sydney, soaking up mid-thirties and leftovers from Saturday’s giant swell. It was huge, wasn’t it? See my IG stories for some waves at Ben Buckler. Today, the swell has dropped a couple of gears, and we have chest-high, lumpy surf. This morning, it looks tricky at Bondi, fat […]

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Big crowds, big closeouts

1 Big Closeout

This morning, the 8 am low tide was very unkind to surfers (and even swimmers). At Ramp 2, the lack of water created one helluva rip; do not swim there! There were clean shoulder-to-head high waves, but it was one massive closeout. You’d barely get to your feet before being clobbered. I saw many get […]

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Jetty, all fired up this morning. Bondi 7:15am

Back in the hood!

Bondi’s an intense joint, so I love stepping away from it for a few weeks over the summer. I put the cameras & phones away and then focus on my forehand grinds (and family time). As of today – I AM BACK. Fresh eyes on a familiar subject, crazy Bondi. My 25th year. What a […]

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