Bondi's title from the 80s

Sc*m Valley

The good times continue as we have a combination of small waves, sunshine and clean morning conditions. It doesn’t have a lot of push, sets are infrequent, but it was a refreshing start to the day. At 5:30 am, there was an excellent spray of pinks from the horizon. You gotta get up early to […]

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Bondi puddles


FINALLY, it’s stopped raining, and the sunshine has broken through. Nice to see everybody out and about, doing their morning rituals. Waves were breaking on two sandbanks, a left and a right, but only around waist high and very fat. You need a high volume surf vehicle today and plenty of patience. With the North […]

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Icebergs spurt

The Humans of Bondi

Bondi gets such a bad wrap in Summer. I post a shot of a packed Sunday and loads of crew comment saying that’s their worst beach nightmare. To be clear, it’s rammed, choccas, overflowing with humans only about 5% of the time. The rest of the time Bondi is pretty peaceful joint with a solid community […]

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Uncle Joel Pilgrim, takes trust to shoot this close!

Back in Da Hood

Hey, HEY! I’m back in the ‘hood and there’s plenty going on around here. Bondi really steps up a gear in Jan…there’s just so many tourists in town and the beach is one helluva melting pot. Good to start the year with a classic ‘Bergs sunrise, some waist to shoulder high runners on an A-grade […]

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