Bit fickle down the beach at the moment. Yesterday afternoon had some good waves. This morning was kinda close-out-rubbish. For about the 100th day in a row we have clear skies and sunshine, can you believe it? Go outside. She’s gonna be flat for most of the weekend and no significant swells on the horizon. […]

Today is not a great surf day. Today’s a good day to do everything else. Last night we had waves – but now they’ve gone. Today the sun is baking, the westerly winds are howling and skies are 100% clear. Tomorrow is a new day with a new dead south swell. We like those at […]

Well it wasn’t the best conditions I’ve seen out there. Maybe ‘cause we’ve been spoilt. The left had a wave, yes, that left. It was weak and floppy – say 2 foot. Pretty junkie. The right wasn’t really working in my eyes. Plenty of hopefuls out early. The swell should get bigger today as a […]