When it comes to closing out, section-less waves – you won’t find better than Bondi. So when Bondi is straight it’s pretty much unsurfable – you won’t even have time to get to your feet (as many found out this morning). There’s a decent supply of 2-4 foot South swell, you need to go for […]

It was a damn fine morning down the beach: calm, little or no wind. Water was an incredible 21.7°C – just right for a boardies and bikinis surf. Sun’s out – not a cloud in sight. Crowds were off the hook. The beach was pumping with fitness gurus, meditators, yoga bendies, squads, surfers, swimmers, early […]

By the look of it, all 42,000 readers of my daily email hit the beach this morning. I think at one stage I saw a couple of hundred swimmers crossing the bay – a big morning! I missed the 5:15 pink sky spray (still slappin’ myself as I type this). The surf is non-existent, like […]

Road Kill
I nearly got run over by a car twice this morning on my way to the Aquabumps HQ. That’s not a bad morning really, sometimes it’s more. The first time was someone running a stop sign on Gould, the other was 100 metres on…where crosswalks seem to mean floor it and try to collect something […]

Deep Blue
The ocean was very blue this morning. Clarity was good, but the water temp. = exceptional. The waves weren’t so fantastic at Bondi (would be much better at beaches with sandbanks and more east exposure). I didn’t really see anything worth surfing at all even though we had clean calm conditions. Tomorrow arvo the swell […]

Today is a brand new day. It’s amazing how different it is… Waves were 6-8 foot yesterday. Way down south there are rumors of 15 foot sets. Today Bondi is hosting 1-2 foot. It’s all gone my friends. Apparently it was a technicolor sunrise at 6:15am. I missed it. Guttered. Still slapping myself. Everyone I […]

Locals Only
Yesterday was quite an amazing day to go surfing. Today tis not so good. It’s horrendously onshore and overcast. Instead of shooting onshore slop I opted to point my lens at the people I see down there, every day. There are hundreds that get up at sunrise and do their thing. Here is a few. […]

These autumn mornings are great. Today was especially great because: With the recent time change my body still thinks it’s 6:30am when it’s 5:30am. You can fit a whole world of stuff in before heading to ‘work’. Also it’s not a strain to get up and see/shoot the sunrise. The sunrises are best in Autumn. […]

The green hornet
People often ask me about the funny stuff I see on my early morning meanderings. Funny stuff is pretty much on tap down at Bondi. For example, at 7am this morning whilst I was shooting/basking in morning light, a gentleman ran past me wearing nothing but, what looked like, bright green undies. Odd. The outfit […]