Spinnaker Up
The Amalfi Coast is a rugged place. The volcanic stone cliffs are enormous, jutting directly from the sea – which gives the area it’s vast beauty. Sometimes you may have to climb thousands of steps with your suitcase in tow…just to get to your room or a beach club. Often you’ll arrive at dinner, huffing […]

Ciao Ciao!
You all know I’m a big fan of Italy. Its coast is just so different from ours, I love shooting here. Everything just looks so good through the lens. No waves, but I enjoy focussing on different things. Within one hour of my arrival, I had a small window in good weather to shoot from […]

I didn’t get a chance to shoot this morning for a variety of (boring) reasons. I will spare you. Luckily I have a server with 20 terabytes to house all my images. Here are a few shots from favourite locations that you haven’t seen. I did a beach fly by and witnessed much cleaner conditions, […]

Mixed Tape
Another crazy onshore unsurfable day at Bondi Beach. Swell has picked up but it’s been blown to bits. Warning: this email’s content may make you want to jump on a plane tonight and travel. Over’n’out :: uge

Terabytic Discovery
These soggy rainy Sydney days are a great opportunity to dig through the Terabytes of shots taken on recent trips. If I stopped shooting I feel I would have enough supply to show you something every day, for years! (Don’t worry, I am not going anywhere – I love shooting, you know it). Grab a […]

It hasn’t stopped raining since I woke. Sydney is getting a thorough rinsing today – thankfully. It’s been 72 days since we’ve had more than 2mm of rain. Our last day decent wet was June 10! Bring it on – my garden is loving it. We should receive between 15mm and 25mm today. The winds […]

Excitement levels are extremely low today down the beach. The swell has gone, the clear skies are now full of dark rain clouds. It’s a day to do some work. It will rain from now until Sunday night. Binge out on Netflix this weekend. There will be surfable waves all weekend with a new swell. […]

A mare…
Well, it wasn’t my most memorable morning down at Bondi. There’s definitely room for improvement. The waves are a dribbly foot, it’s semi onshore, raining and well – the beach is empty. I did get down there, 2 cameras in hand, ready for action. But my inspiration blew away in the first rain squall. I […]

I’m Back
Italy was awesome, thank you. Bondi ain’t too shabby either. I’m back. Just look out the window, what a day! Spring is here and the weather is spot on. Small waves around 1-2 foot – 1 wave came in bigger which is pictured above. It was SO good to see waves again. I missed them. […]

I must say, you see plenty of Aussies here in Italy’s Costiera Amalfitana. For a destination that’s approximately 30 hours from home – I’m surprised at the numbers. Europeans think a 2 hour flight is too long. This week alone there were 3 Australian weddings around here. One wedding with 180 people. That’ll boost the local economy. […]

It’s pouring with rain outside in Sydney. Nice day to be indoors. I didn’t shoot this morning for obvious reasons. I choose to show you some gold from the Aquabumps archives. My mother has worked in the airline biz nearly her entire life (and still does). She taught us boys at a young age that […]

It’s quite a dreary old day in Sydney. It’s been raining a lot this morning. The beach wasn’t pumping unfortunately – 1ft, no light, rain and no humans. I hope you had a sleep in – ’cause you are missing nuttin’ down the beach. Let’s go to Italy today? Ah yes, the Costiera Amalfitana. You […]

Yeah, Naah
Last nights’ storms weren’t that bad. Bit of wind and rain. That’s all gone now. Think we were all on high alert after the big one. There is swell, it’s fresh (NE), it’s wonky and still working itself out. Hopefully the underlying South swell will kick a little for Bondi surfers. Is it pumping ? […]