Day Dreamin’
Bondi was not doing it this morning—a drizzly, dark, cold day with tiny waves. Yawn. With the lack of enthusiasm to perform my morning rituals (Bondi documentation), I look to my 25 terabytes of archives – specifically, a time of hotter weather and blue water – yes, Costiera Amalfitana. For those recently joining my readership, we […]

It’s raining in Bondi this morning, and shooting wasn’t high on the priorities. No, I didn’t jump on a plane headed for Italy, do not worry. Pre-Rona, we did a handful of tours in Italy and spent all our money on helicopters – my shooting platform of choice. One heli even stalled over Capri, luckily […]

Let’s dream…
In Sydney, the heavy rain is back – and it set in for the day, get comfortable. I am sure we all wanna look at something more inspiring than Bondi getting dowsed. How about a day on the Amalfi Coast back in the middle of August when it’s days and days of 30 degrees and […]

Guess what? It’s still raining. Oh man, the archives are getting a real workout on my blog during La Nina. This morning Bondi has horizontal rain, howling onshores and it’s deserted. Huge swell coming tomorrow – Bondi will be off the charts big. Let’s take a 1 minute trip to the Amalfi Coast of Italy, […]

23 years
Twenty-three years ago, I had this groundbreaking idea of posting a ‘photo a day’ from the beach. Social media hadn’t even been dreamt up yet, a website called google had just started, and mobile phones were for talking to people. In the nineties, digital cameras had just become semi-affordable (well, kind of – the first […]

Italian Lido
August in Europe is party-time. It’s when everyone takes a month off to hit the beaches, chill, and work on their tans. This August, (now), most of Europe is back open for business. For example, Italy will let tourists land after a couple of jabs or a few tests to see if you have that […]

Amore dall’Italia
Italy has been hard hit by The Rona. I don’t think we need to go over those statistics that are on a constantly looping on the tele. It’s just so damn sad. It’s no secret, I’ve got a soft spot for Italy. People think I’m Italian, I’m not…the dark tan misleads many. For many years […]

Estate infinita
Well, that was one helluva beach weekend — one of the year’s most beautiful. With crystal clear warm water and a few small waves, I am pretty sure you’re happy with how your weekend went down. Today – not so great. One foot, offshore, and lots and lots of rain. I wasn’t feeling inspired to […]

Euro Nostalgia
It’s raining in Sydney; it hasn’t stopped all morning. The crusted salt on my car is finally washing away as hopefully, our farmers are jumping for joy with drought reprieve. The beach was pretty ugly this morning. Grey, dark, 2 foot. Nestle into that office chair, it’s going to rain for 48 hours – get […]

Today is RUOK day. Are you ok? It’s a day dedicated to reminding people to ask family, friends and colleagues the question, “R U OK?”, in a meaningful way, because connecting regularly and meaningfully is one thing everyone can do to make a difference to anyone who might be struggling. The surf isn’t OK today. […]

I’m back. Well kinda, the head is incredibly foggy with a jetlag curtain pulled down tight. I thought a Bondi swim would shake things up after a couple of days of travel. The 16-degree water sure was a shock after paddling around in The Med. Waves, yep. We got some. Waist to chest high variety […]

Buongiorno, I’m guessing you’re sick of seeing images of hot, summery waveless beaches in Europe. Well, this is my last post from Europe – promise. We’re heading home! We’re missing the groms, and I hear the weather has been amazing in Sydney. We’ve had an incredible two weeks. Europe in peak season is just so […]

We’re on the seductive island of Capri – which just hangs off the Amalfi Coast. Everyone loves this place and I find loads of Aussies here. The raw beauty of this island is breathtaking with enormous cliffs that jut directly from the sea. The water clarity is a constant ‘perfecto’ and water temp a salubrious […]