Von Doom
The doom and gloom has arrived into Bondi this morning. The skies dark and the winds onshore…waves, well, they’re a tiny knee to waist high. Can you surf it? Yep, just lower your expectations a little and ride something fat. Good news – it will clear and be sunny this afternoon. The water is warm […]

Nothing like a bit of swell to kick off a week. Even better when it’s a south swell and feeds directly into Bondi. Waves were in the 3-4 foot mark…the banks are funky but at least you can paddle into something. Not a cloud in the sky – need I say any more? I went […]

Freedom Town
Crazy morning, everyone and I mean everyone was out – pros, beginners, groms, knee boarders, body boarders, dudes in helmets, stand ups, swimmers and lame photographers frolicked in the line-up. The first spark of good weather and it’s a free for all…welcome to Freedom Town…go right on lefts, drop in on 10 of your buddies […]

The waves were quite unimpressive this morning. The early low tides were making the 1-2 footers flop flat on a bank, robbing you of a decent ride. I don’t recommend surfing it. The clouds, however, were very impressive. Vapour buckled and stretched over Ben Buckler like a Turneresque master piece. The weather is outstanding and […]

Aquabumps Out-Of-Office
Thank you for your email. I will be out of the office today as there is a lil’ 2-3 foot fun right hander in the middle of the beach at Bondi. The sunshine has also returned after a brief spit of rain overnight. Winds are a bonus SW (but will blow 20 knots later today […]