I reckon I know Bali pretty well. Been here 25 times now (yeah medal please). The amazing thing about this Indonesian paradise is that there is always something you haven’t seen before. Take today, a little exploring through a very poor village/bronx, fang right at the guy walking the cow, left at the chook fighters, […]

maldivian clarity
Still a small up here in the Maldives…we’re finding the odd 3 footer. Water is sensational. Bondi looked good yesterday morning, but since then it would be getting smaller. Pretty micro until the end of the week. Random Maldives Facts: The Maldives lie 400 nautical miles south of the south western tip of Sri Lanka. […]

atoll origins
Sounds like Bondi is pretty flat today (1ft max), just like over here in the Maldives. Looks small in Sydney until Saturday where are very large south swell is brewing. With all this flatness, I thought I’d look into how the Maldives were formed. There are conflicting theories on how these atolls came about, but […]

uninhabited perfection
Often you see paradise pictures on postcards, coasters, in mags and wonder – where the hell is that? Chances are it’s from the beautiful Maldives. Over 1,200 islands litter this archipelago and they are consistently picturesque with clean sand, palm trees and dreamy blue water. We’ve headed out of the main area (where there are […]