The Big Dry
A windy morning with frosty offshores straight off ‘dem mountains. Damn, it felt cold down there just before sunrise. Everyone was coming out of the water with bright red faces. Waves – yep, we have some. I saw the odd waist to shoulder high bump pumping into Bondi. A 9:40 am high tide was doing […]

There’s still a wave on this morning; it’s around shoulder high but a little inconsistent. The winds are WNW, and the swell is from the south benefiting Bondi frothers. The left near 2nd ramp had some excellent little runners – but the morning crowds were keen! Busy. Glorious sunny day, again. Go outside for lunch. […]

Today’s quite interesting. I am not too sure what to make of it. Last night it all flipped, we now have an NE swell – and a big one. Waves look very junkie around here – but I KNOW places must be cooking right now. F.O.M.Oing quite badly here at my desk. I’d check the […]

Best morning of the week so far. The weather was deluxe, water warm, waves small but piping… I swam for 1’n’half hours with my camera in hand. I do love my job. Feel alive today. Recently I’ve been commenting on those new rent-a-bikes. Just to clarify, I am ALL FOR bike sharing 100% (I ride a […]