12.11.21 – PalindromeIn between rainstorms, I managed to rattle off a few frames. They’re not pretty, and you probably won’t frame them, but at least you get a little window to the beach. The surf is relatively clean as SSW winds blow. Waves are around the waist to a small persons chest high. There are around […]

I’m backing the Red Cardinal in today’s Melbourne Cup. Only because Bondi Beach (who came 2nd last year) isn’t running. Who are you supporting? It’s going to be hot and muggy (31) for your Cup luncheon today. No, you’re not missing any action down the beach, it’s very overcast, sticky and 1-2 foot on the […]

Wanaka (said wanna-car), is a chilled little kiwi town which is dominated by a huge 192 km2 lake. It’s a much more mellower vibe in comparison to it’s bustling neighbor – Queenstown. It’s kinda like the Margaret River (WA) township for snow. Everyone hits the slopes when it’s on – tools down. It’s in their DNA to ski. The snow […]

The Early Bird
Today’s update comes from 500 feet above Sydney Harbour. I had a little early morning job flying around in the bird. We live in an incredible city surrounded by water in every direction. The 331 metre Voyager of the Seas slid into Circular Quay at 6:30am. This mobile city even has a stationary wave machine […]