I’ll ‘fess up, I didn’t shoot this morning. Instead, I was on the sofa with the monsters watching The Pipeline Masters finals. Go Robbo! Looking at the beach now, I haven’t missed much – a very dreary unphotogenic morning with dark skies, rain, thunderstorms and lightning. We have had a dream run of weather lately, […]

After a very grey start, we now have clearer skies (10am) and howling onshore/cross-shore winds. It’s 25 knots of southerly! The swell has dropped a lot, and there’s a very lame grovel at Bondi on the nearing high tide (I wouldn’t get getting too excited about it). About three people are surfing it on the […]

A special kind of morning with an abundance of sunshine, gentle offshores and a small chugging nor-east swell. I decided to roam the local neighbourhood, looking for untrodden territory for Aquabumps. I found myself loitering around the Coogee – Maroubra region. Like Bondi, Coogee’s coastal walks were choccas as the WFH revolution continues. Nobody seems […]