New Year’s Day Hi Res
Hello 2016 you good thing. Welcome to a brand new year of Aquabumps. Our 17th year of operation (and I am not THAT old – obviously). The first shoot I took on for the year was hovering 1,000 feet above Bondi and Coogee on New Year’s Day. It was an incredible beach day and the […]

Spectacular sunrise this morning with burning hues splashed all over the skies. The surf is less than spectacular as the swell drought continues…we’re in Feb and I don’t think we’ve had a crankin’ swell for 2009 yet! Feb brings hope, we always seem to get one booming swell in Feb…let’s hope it’s this weekend as […]

Dry Patch
We’re in the middle of a small swell drought. There are waves…really small ones – you’d have to be very keen as the power throttle is way down to a 5.5 second period. That won’t push much, well anyone over 40 kay-gees would struggle. Most of my mates are double that. Some even triple (Damo) […]