Bondi has lost a very loved local, Annalise Braakensiek. I’d see her most mornings powering along the Bondi to Bronte path whilst I shoot – cheerful, popular, greeting many. This morning her loved ones came down to South Bondi to send her off. Celebrate her life. Rest in peace, Annalise. :: uge

Our run of exquisite weather continues. A lil’ on the frosty side before the sun came up – but the water remains warm. The surf is tiny, 1-2 foot, dribbling in on a south bank at Bondi. Nothing to rush down for. Saturday looks super fun. 4 foot (south swell) with crisp westerly offshores. Head […]

I wasn’t sure if it would be pouring with rain or deeply overcast this morning. Surprisingly…it was neither. Golden hues welcomed the day after a steamy night…felt just like Singapore. By 8am the cloud cover won the battle and is here to stay. Waves – nothing of significance to discuss. I saw weak waist high […]

Just right…
If I could bottled up a morning like today and save it for later, I would. The water was an incredible 22 degrees. It felt like a bath tub. There was zero wind so the surfaces were silky. Water clarity was off the hook and the waves were small (waist-chest), but I found a nice […]

We seem to be having an epic run of sunny weather. Same thing is happening in New Zealand. Queenstown was remarkably mild and I saw someone wearing thongs and t-shirt in Dunedin last week. Now that’s a big deal. It’s good to be home with fresh eyes after a week out of town. New Zealand […]

Today is like yesterday, just smaller. Bondi was rarely breaking this morning. A little shorey slapping on the beach…ok, a mal wave every 10-20 mins. It was a really nice morning down there. Still, warm(ish) and crisp. Nothing like a morning swim to set you up for the rest of the day. Can you believe […]

Did you see the sunrise on Saturday down at Bondi? Wow. One of those special ones where the right ingredients all came together and the sky was a blaze. Bondi is at its best when it’s not perfect, overcast, random and when it’s a Monday. At first glance it looks pretty average surfwise this morning. […]

Day 5
Day 5 of no swell. It’s coming though. Tomorrow you should be able to dust off the board and catch a few – but it is going to be real fun on Sunday afternoon and Monday. The weather is just perfect. Not too hot, not too cool…just right. The water is retaining its bath temps […]

This little dozer above COULD be our dream maker…he has the power to position sand in places nature can’t. He COULD make a bank, a super bank…from ‘The Boot’ to ‘The Tower’…piping rights…wally sections…he COULD do it all. Hell, he COULD even make a A-Frame peak in the middle so the wolf pack would have […]

Good morning. The left bowl down at South Bondi looked quite fun this morning. Plenty out as the sun crept over Benny Buckler. I’d say it’s the best it’s going to be all week long…see…tomorrow it’s going to be smaller and Thursday very very small, but Friday will be huge (triple head high) and seriously […]

24 karat
It all kicked off today with a gold-plated morning around 7:10am. The clouds broke open for a brief moment and the bay was flooded with 24 karat rays. Quite the spectacle. This time of year the light is clean, crisp and gold – my favourite. The sun rises over the Ben Buckler when in its […]

It’s amazing what a difference 24 hours can make. Right now it’s raining and the beach is completely empty. The onshore winds are smashing anything resembling a wave and everyone is off to work. This same SE onshore wind will create swell for the tail end of the week. So be patient, wait for it […]