After days and days of swell, it’s gone small. Shows over. We’ve all had such a good time out there recently, the shoulders are sore and the work is piling up. Of course, Bondi is still surfable with chest-high sets limping into the bay. Winds are currently 12 knots from the north and the swell […]

Fiery Start
A storm is coming! Enjoy today as it’s going to be mostly dry (but cloudy) – at midnight tonight it will pour, and pour, and continue for two days. We could get up to 120 millimetres! Bring in the washing, fertilise the garden, clean out the gutters…Sydney is going to get a good rinse. Today we […]

There are still some leftovers from the recent swell breaking at Bondi. The banks don’t look as good as they have been, but there are some wedges out there. The winds will go onshore mid-morning but remain quite light. Suitable for your aerial practice. Nothing fantastic on the swell radar, just some little chest to […]

Awayco + Ace + Darkside
Like to surf? Yeah? Well, the past 6 weeks have been flat as. Real frustrating summer dribbles for days on end. Today has broken that swell drought and we have great waves! World No. 16 Ace Buchan dropped by for some pre-tour warm-ups. It’s dropping fast, 4-5 foot, East winds now (was offshore earlier). Hate travelling […]

One of my most loyal readers, my mother, has been getting up me about bad grammar and spelling in my daily updates. She’s disgusted at the sight of a t!ypo@1 and wonders why she spent all that money educating me. Obviously I was heavily distracted at school. I spent most of the time hiding in […]

A lot of surf photographers use fisheye lenses when shooting in the drink as it can make barrels look wide and you can get up nice’n’snug with your subject (hopefully someone riding high in the bat cave or a nice empty cavity). I like shooting fisheye as I feel a part of the action. Standing […]

Guess what? It’s still blowing filthy onshore. North Bondi has some protection from the East nemesis winds, and a few little surfable(ish) waves. Nothing special though. Exposed beaches are 4-6 foot…just messy as hell. The forecast says tomorrow afternoon the wind will kick around to the NE. Finally some clean waves will be on offer […]

morning meanderings
Well we’ve all had a real nice time lately. Swell has been plentiful, grooming offshores and lots of options in Sydney. Today looks to be the ugly brother of the previous two days…junkie, wobbly, dark yet still surfable. The best waves I saw along my morning wander was at Bondi, with smaller (but cleaner) 2-3 […]

Whoa, how about an early report this morning. Just got out of the water and there’s a neat little right chuggin’ into Bondi. I was quite surprised to see it breaking at all considering the charts revealed little or no energy. The 12 year old groms thrived in the 2 footers. Thick hungry pack out […]

Gold Plated Bondi
Just one of those cracker mornings out there – quite distracting sitting here in Aquabumps HQ punching out a update when I know there are 2-4 footers rolling into Bondi. It’s ultra clean with warm water and smothering sunshine. Magic! Why would you live anywhere else on a day like this? There would be decent […]

Definitely not a surfing day… Lake Bondi had a 0.5 to 1ft dribble…with the odd 2 foot freak set. A pod of dolphins were having a Christmas party in the bay. They hung around for an hour or so, weaving in and out of surfers legs…puttin’ on a show. The early morning clouds have now […]