dark o
Quite a tricky morning to capture a decent image down at Bondi. The rain was coming and going, it was also so dark that you could barely get a decent shutter speed and most people were glued to bed. We’ve still got a dead south swell and north wind (which Bondi loves) but that’s about […]

Finally the rain stopped and the onshore winds have subsided. A neat little 2-3 footer is on offer at Bondi and there’s very few in the water (god ole’ quiet Mondays). A great day to paddle out…even if it’s only small. High tide 5:30am, low tide 11am, high tide 5:30pm. Winds NW/NE. Cold out, warm […]

After a fruitful weekend of waves in Sydney (in fact most of Australia had something decent to offer), we’ve defaulted back to 1-2 foot, overcast Bondi this morning with a recent south change rolling in. The swell origin is still south (so Bondi will be drawing the most out of this micro swell) but the […]

Chunky closeouts
All this spectacular, chunky, East swell is wasted on us in the east. Nowhere is handling it well. Bondi faces too south and its hitting the beaches in the north end on a wrong angle – shuttin’ down. A brief browse through the neighbouring beaches and I didn’t see anyone get a wave that didn’t […]

the low down
Yesterday’s decent waves have subsided. Isn’t it a great day to surf when the City to surf is on – not many can access the area! (or they’re too pissed to surf – how packed were the pubs around here – mad) Today is only 2 foot and swell direction has more East in it. […]

lazy shutters
There’s actually a fun little wave on this morning even though it was quite messy (2ft, sometimes 3). Winds are NW, so it should be cleaner than it was. The 7:20am high tide wasn’t the best time to paddle out, towards the lower 12:40pm tide it should improve. Still quite gutless. City Surf Run is […]

bondi bohemia
On this very cold day there is a wind wave on offer down at Bondi – within the 2-3 foot range and barely anyone out. Far from perfect with a flanking SE onshore putting some wobbles in the already choppy conditions – nonetheless its surfable. (note the swell period is only 7 secs – weak!) […]

Stealth swells
Yesterday afternoon’s 4-5 footers at Bondi defied the swell chart predictions (was meant to be around 2-3 foot and dropping fast). Was quite good on night fall. You know you’ve got a sneaky good session at Bondi when all the surfing website authors are out for a few. I asked Ben from Coastalwatch where the […]

Chop Hop
A bad mix of small wind-chop-come-swell and onshore winds early. Unfortunately it’s only going to get worse with a 30 knot blast later this afternoon. Difficult to shoot in the morning when it’s so damn dark. Even after cranking the ISO up to 1600+ on the Mark 3 and you’re still too slow to capture […]

A little 2-3 footer was breaking in the southern corner of Bondi, in front of The Icebergs, short-lived though…as a 15-20 knot Easterly made a mess of things early today. Large crew out early enjoying the shallow sand bank that is throwing a lip (rare), making the head dip the manoeuvre of choice. Not much […]

Corner Lips
That swell arrived Saturday afternoon and is continuing to grow. Bondi was 3-4 foot today and a lil’ junky (gettin’ bigger). The left in the corner randomly threw a wide lip whilst most closed out on the bigger sets. Cold morning, brrr, and very few people out. The water remains a balmy 21 degrees though…quite […]

south magnets
If you were up for the early you would have found some fun little 2 footers down at Bondi. Bondi loves these SSE swells, squeezing every ounce of a dying bump. Todays waves are short lived – by lunchtime there will be nothing left and flatness will prevail this afternoon. Most other beaches would have […]

After the weekend’s decent supply of south swell, its finally ran out of puff. Bondi was 1-2 foot this morning, clean, but exceptionally weak. Very low crowd numbers in the water early – gotta love Mondays. Just unbelievable about the 3rd shark attack on 15 year old Andrew Lindop up at Avalon yesterday. He’s now […]