Not the best morning for taking photographs. The rain seemed to follow me and my lenses around. Nice left in the corner though – albeit much smaller than previous days. The left had a little consistent bowl, good if you’re a really small human. Oh yeah, real cold out there too! I saw a few […]

Thursdee peaks
Cookin’ with gas out there today…even though quite a few crew said it’s not that great as they came out of the water (I’m still landlocked until stitches heal from my recent reef lobotomy – oh diddums I hear you say). This is the last day of this week’s strong south swell before switching to […]

Not much doing down the beach this morning. No sunrise as clouds dominated the horizon and the weak 1-2 footers weren’t really my cup of tea. The charts are calling a dramatic improvement as the day progresses. East swell, 11 secs later today – that should be good. So by the time you read this […]