The conditions aligned for a large Bondi crowd this morning. Quite a special morning with lots of waves, everywhere I swam. The golden winter light was the icing on the cake! So good! This fresh batch of south swell will only get bigger as the period jumps to 13 seconds. Hopefully, it won’t get too […]

Friday Swims
It is heating up and only getting hotter. You’ve all heard tomorrow is going to be a steamy 39. These warm mornings are conducive to ocean interaction – and Bondi is the capital of that! Swimming, surfing or lazing on the beach – it was all happening down at Bondi from first light. It’s only […]

Solar Powered
Another good-looking day – clear skies and cooler temps at sunrise. Eight degrees when I woke, but now it’s warming up to 22 degrees. The forecast is for 23 tomorrow! The surf has cleaned up with NW offshore winds earlier. As I write, it’s swinging NE. Bondi has waves in the head-high range…looked a little […]

Now that we’ve passed the winter solstice, the year’s shortest day is behind us. It’s allllll gravy from here, folks. The mornings will be brighter, the days longer and 4-6 foot daily. Ok, maybe the last part is a lie. This morning it was incredibly dark, hard for me to shoot. The swell has plummeted, and three […]

It’s a little odd today. Whilst I saw some cracker waves I also saw a lot of close-out junk. Needless to say, my morning swim was brisk. Submerged in the brine you’re fine, but the dash up the road into the morning offshore winds is torturous. The waves have slipped gears, it’s only shoulder high. […]