Whilst I was sweating it out on Ibiza’s beaches this week everyone was banging on about how epic the surf conditions are back in Australia and that I should rush back. I’m back! Shoulda been here yesterday I am guessing – because the beach this morning was less than inspirational for photography and surfing. Onshore, […]

Holy smokes, it’s turned orrn overnight…just not at Bondi. Bondi looks terrible and neglecting the primary ENE swell source. Loads of other northern exposed beaches have 4 foot plus waves with clean grooming offshores. Booya! I only shot one surfer this morning, Blake Thornton, as he was the only one out! It looked a bit […]

Four to Five
Well, Alluelia…looky what we have here today. S W E L L. The good stuff. Stuff from the south and around 4 foot. A small was crowd enjoying the fruits of a new swell at sunrise. The offshores were keeping it neat and tidy, and sometimes hollow. So good to see swell after a rather […]

It was an odd kinda morning. The change is here. It looked inviting (for a bit) then dumped rain. I’m writing this with rays of sunshine spraying into the studio…so I’m assuming all good now? Maybe. The weather is messing with us. Flirting with us. We cannot complain as we’ve had a fantastic run of […]

Crispy Clear
What a beautiful crispy morning. Nowhere near as cold as yesterday huh? A few layers still required. Bondi hosted waist to chest high waves. That’s a good size for Bondi. Any bigger and it tends to close out. I saw some fun runners on an incoming tide. Surfing forecast is for really small waves all […]