It had a lotta potential this morning; I felt the high tide (7:30am) was drowning it though. There’s plenty of wobble and backwash to contend with. Every now and then a little nugs will hit the bank correctly – making it fun. Thanks to Ex Cyclone Dovi – we’ve had a magnificent supply of swell […]

The Early Bird
It’s not often you’ll read an Aquabumps post before 9 am, fresh from the brine. I’m glad to inform you – there are waves at Bondaka today! It’s breaking around head high, with the odd larger set. The winds are non-existent and surfaces are silky smooth, good for the epoxy boards. The sandbanks are dodgy, […]

Good times
Yesterday’s howling southerly has kicked up some decent waves – hooray! I saw some six footers out there yesterday, but today’s it half as big but double as clean. There are some great little runners on various sandbanks. It is a shame it’s so much smaller today, I’m calling it 2 to sometimes 3 foot this […]

Fresh Batch
Fresh new SE groundswells, shark sightings, dust storms, Aquaman kidnapping, offshore winds…and…massive crowds. It’s all happening down the beach this morning. I was up around 5am and there were plenty of people up a lot earlier than I. When I rocked up at Bronte Pool the car park was pretty full (5:15 am), and Instagram […]

A very hot muggy morning in Sydney – 22 degrees at sunrise. Cloudy at first, then started to clear with some very unusual light/cloud combinations. Beach was packed early. Always is on these hot ones. Expect 29 degrees today. Waves – yep, there’s some. It looked full on a higher tide. Should improve on the […]

The Slow Shutter
Good to see some fruit in the bowls at Bondi this morning. Pumping? Sadly not. Surfable – correct. After a few days of slim pickings, we have surfable 1-3 footers. Clean at high tide this morning, but the onshore has always begun its disturbance. Do you know I’ve got 14 years of Aquabumps daily archives […]

Early swims
It’s sometimes hard to get into the ocean before the sun’s warmth has risen over Ben Buckler. In the depths of winter, I force myself to swim early because I know how good it feels afterwards – sets you up for the day! (And it’s kinda my job) Tiny waves, still surfable. Waist high sets. […]