Good morning. I am back from Kiwiland (thanks Cuzis) and pleasantly greeted with a new south swell. Bondi was a bit out of control (that means it’s above head high) and Bronte played host to some decent 4-5 footers. Looks like all that wind that blew yesterday stirred up some fruit. If you are not […]

I think you all know what I am going to write about today seeing most of you have been out there. All 40,000 of you. The surf is good full stop. We’ve got some decent waves breaking on our holy grail of banks. It’s around 3-4 foot, consistent and fun but the crowds are enormous. […]

The Bay of Plenty
Shooting good images on a day like today can be a little tricky. There’s barely any light and most photos turn to a wash of grey. Morning rain isn’t the best shutter lubricant either. Most waves I saw this morning closed out before anyone could get to their feet. Shame, ‘cause there is plenty of […]