S h a k a
Aloha. Looks like some swell coming in the next few days so I opted to shoot non-surfing stuff today. You’re gonna get enough surfing action…don’t fret. I reckon the Volcom Pipe Pro may kick off tomorrow as well. Loads of hot surfing talent around – just look in any direction and someone is doing an […]

Live Aloha
Aloha. We’re in Hawaii. Love it here. We are based on the North Shore and I can see a guy in a Pipe tube as I write this. We’re going to be here a while, for something new and until Sydney stops raining. (wow, heard about them storms last night!) It’s been pumping in Hawaii […]

b l o w
The southerly is still howling and making a mess of anything resembling a wave this morning. If you’re surfing today, you need to get a job. 2-3 foot wind slush wasn’t enough to get me in the water. It’s cooler today. Top of 20 degrees. Rain will come and go, I hope the wind goes […]

Afternoon. Late one I know. Today’s update comes from the boot of my car as we’re at the SurfAid SurfTag event surfing for charity. (at Manly) Thank you for everyone that donated to our team – we raised nearly $10k for SurfAid. The waves are small, 2ish, maybe 3 footish. Better with the incoming tide. […]

4 to 5
Good morning…it’s neatened up a little out there and the size has held – 4-5 foot sets, not such a bad idea to slip out and score a few for yourself. The winds are fortunately a westerly and only 5 knots. Cloudy cold day, 11. Water still chilly 18. Corona Some good news, if you […]