I was getting all excited about today, put time aside to paddle out and sample some for myself… on paper, it looked good, offshore and building south swell (8 foot tonight). Benny from Coastalwatch was even classifying today in the ‘EPIC’ range. So there I was, waxing my 7’2″ Rhino (thinking I would be doing […]

It is still surfable just not pleasurable. Take the mal for a spin as it’s dropped another gear overnight. Knee high waves were common, waist high sets rare. Clouds have crammed in over the bay and rain continues to threaten. Expect a few thunderstorms and rain overnight. It’s happening. The Bondi Single Fin Contest is […]

The Junkyard
There’s a little 2 foot, ok, maybe the odd 3-foot wave down at Bondi. The Sou-easterly winds are in early and corrupting wave quality. Onshore junk would be a good description. It’s surfable…and the sun has just come out properly. The waves are going to be small all week. The good thing is it’s gonna […]

These mornings are all starting to look alike. I wake up, not a cloud in the sky. Head to the beach, it’s cold. Only difference today is we’ve got good waves! Yes, we have swell. It looks like a south swell with a very, very long wave interval. Basically if you sit out there and […]