The forecast was for 90% rain this morning. I turned my dawn alarm off, thinking of a sleep in (rare for me). At 7 am, I opened the blinds expecting darkness and it was the complete opposite. A full sky of brilliant hues, clean, high head waves. Paradise! Super nice morning, a tad onshore and […]

Good times
Yesterday’s howling southerly has kicked up some decent waves – hooray! I saw some six footers out there yesterday, but today’s it half as big but double as clean. There are some great little runners on various sandbanks. It is a shame it’s so much smaller today, I’m calling it 2 to sometimes 3 foot this […]

Another glorious morning with waves. After a warm night, we have 3-4 footers at exposed east beaches. The water temp. has slipped a gear…but still very inviting. Really hot day ahead, 35, with clouds coming and possible thunderstorm tonight with a flanking south change (around 6pmish). Enjoy! :: uge

It’s always a bit bigger in East swells around the corner. Sets were overhead high, but the masking high tide (8:30am) was really putting some wobble, chunk, flab into them walls. A good day for the Northern Beaches! I also swam at Bronte pool this morning, maaaan – that instafamous joint is so packed these days, […]

Fresh Batch
Fresh new SE groundswells, shark sightings, dust storms, Aquaman kidnapping, offshore winds…and…massive crowds. It’s all happening down the beach this morning. I was up around 5am and there were plenty of people up a lot earlier than I. When I rocked up at Bronte Pool the car park was pretty full (5:15 am), and Instagram […]

Surf forecasters were calling only 1-2 foot for this morning, but it was better than that I reckon. I saw a rare head high set, clean, sunny, warm water – ah yes, that’s a good combo. NE winds are blowing, tomorrow the water may cool right down again. Have a great day, uge

The Slow
I’m back in the ‘hood after my quick fling with Perth Metro waves. So nice and quiet over there. Decent little junkie waves at Bondi this morning. Good to see our sandbanks are holding tight. Few fun little runners. It’s school holidays in NSW and Bondi feels quiet, like everyone has left town. People ask me […]

I vote YES to surfing today! YES! tick. Suns out, waves are consistent, rip bowls are on. It’s pretty crowded and hard to get a wave at Bondi, so I would go for a drive and score my friends. The weather is just awesome and tomorrow is going to hit 28 degrees. Perfect for the […]

Firstly, I want to apologise. The images in today’s post are full of dust spots. When you shoot arty pharty slow shutters (with tiny apertures) you need a squeaky clean image sensor – that I don’t have. So instead of spending the next 3 hours de-dusting these shots, I ran ’em…just as they are. If […]

Scroll down… As you can see plenty of surfing action this morning. It was only 2-3 foot and a bit weird, but definitely fun. I wasn’t anticipating much swell this morning, I knew it was coming though. Tonight it will pulse and tomorrow should be decent. The winds are howling WSW offshore around 25 knots. […]

Today’s all about the lefts. Our new sand bank set up seems to suit the lefts…nice little wedge close to shore. Awesome golden morning light. Today’s photos are all shot with just two setups (I get asked a lot what gear I use). For fast action surfing shots – Canon EOS 1dX Mark II with […]

El Darko
We haven’t had many clouds in the mornings lately. We’ve had an awesome run. Today was dark, dark. Little light to work with for most of my morning wandering. Bondi has waves, it’s settled quite nicely. I saw head high waves breaking on multiple banks. Plenty to go around. Enjoy. Oh, I am heading to […]

Bondi had some really fun waves this morning. We’re all loving our new sand banks created from the recent mega swell. Lots of peaks up and down the beach, so many options. It was only head high, but there’s a bit of lip to it…making it rippable. Mum, that translates to ‘Good waves to surf’ […]