Felix Ettelson - sparks

High Performance

The surf was on so all of Bondi’s finest shredders were up for the early. It was quite a display of high-performance surfing. I was busy today, reos on the rights, airs on the shorey, carves on the lefts. It was a very active lineup with consistent waves around head-high. At dawn I began in […]

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The Annual Pigeon Sunrise Conference at South Bondi this morning


There is lots of swell, lots of good times and lots to talk about. Let’s dive right in. It’s our 4th day of solid East swell; what a plentiful supply!  I would expect waves at most Sydneys beaches as the favourable morning wind WNW grooms those swell lines. It’s 3-4 foot at Bondi, a tad […]

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Crew! Bondi Beach

Pump / Dump

Hey hey!  It’s just like yesterday, but bigger. We’ve had an excellent run of weather and waves over the past couple of weeks. The water remains a very comfortable 22ish degrees…the Gold Coast was 25 on the weekend! The swell is on the decline and will get smaller for the rest of the week. There’s […]

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Da Bergs!


There’s actually plenty of swell but the flanking onshore wind wasn’t being kind. I saw waves above head high, junkie ones. There were a few waves that ran well on the bank, not all. It’s a bit of a lucky draw. This onshore pattern will continue for days and days, insert yawn…just like the on […]

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Full Bloom


Mornings like these are a pleasure to document through my photography. Everything looked good this morning, so I just had to point N shoot in all directions. First up, the sunrise bloomed into a deep-sky of pinks—a real rare crazy morning. It stopped people in their tracks. It was so intensely pink; I’ve even toned […]

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On your marks

Home Sweet Home

I know, you’re sick of being home and want your old life back. We all do, you’re not alone. What a great time to learn something new! Every day I am trying to learn a new skill, mainly through Youtube. Just google anything, and I bet there’s a “How to…” video on it. Learn the […]

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The sky not looking quite right today

Solar Diffusion

Oh boy, it’s another smokey start to the day. The sun looked like a million degrees thru a veneer of bushfire smoke. Waves, si si! We have a dramatic increase in swell this morning and I found water breaking over head high. It’s clean with a gentle offshore feathering. The water has even bumped up […]

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Winter Quiet

It was a tranquil morning down the beach — not many people on the sand, promenade or in the surf. It looks like the cooler temps overnight kept everyone in bed. The skies filled with colour as a thin high cloud did its thing. The swell has dropped out. I saw waist to chest high […]

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Winter warmth coming over Ben Buckler. Bondi.

Clean Closeouts

It was a shame the tide was so low for my photos this morning (0.5m at 8:40 am). The conditions were clean, crisp, offshore and head high. It will improve a lot when the tide kicks back in…I hope. It is offshore all day long, so plenty of time. Have a coffee, and enjoy the […]

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Chris Friend, new board and hammering the right

Back in Business

It’s looking much better down the beach this morning – in all aspects. The rain has stopped, and we have clear skies – albeit quite cold on land, especially before that sun rose. The swell is still in town from the SE. It’s a lot more organised and breaking better this morning. It has dropped […]

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April 8, 2019 - when Tama lit up

Too Low

LOW TIDE 4:47 AM (0.5m), not ‘nuf water for surfers this morning. Shame…’cause conditions were excellent. Yesterday was a cracker. It was the sort of day we could replay over and over and not be bored. Today is similar; only the swell has dropped out. A windy southerly is about to hit, possibly bringing rain […]

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The extended morning sessions are back! Yesterday the clocks reverted -1 hour as daylight savings ends. There’s a lot more light in your mornings to get the beach rituals done. This morning was a cracker. Crispy, clean autumn light, gentle offshore winds, head high waves and plenty of warmth in and out of the water. I’ve […]

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The Donald Trump, comb over


Oh man, it’s so dark out there. Sydney is blanketed with thick cloud so you can’t tell if it’s night or day. It’s raining off and on again. Bondi was surfable. Waist to chest high waves, clean…fat with the early morning high tide. Long period swell is in town, 13 seconds (what tha? A 1 […]

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