It’s very onshore, all morning. The relentless winds from the south cooled it all down, vacated the water and made most of us sleep in. Over the weekend, these nemesis winds shall ease, making way for some good surf conditions – I like Sunday. It should be clean and chunky. It’s sunny now, rather cloudy […]

THE SUN IS OUT – HIT THE BEACH! Helios the Greek sun god is being kind to us! A mighty fine morning down the beach. Yeah, it’s cold, it’s August still, but hell – a swim will bust you into a new mood – very invigorating! The water feels about 16-17 and today the mercury […]

This morning was an explosion of colour over Bondi Beach. Bright hues glowed from the North as we entered the first day of winter. The colours were so strong, it looked unreal. (I even pulled them back in post). It’s also the 1st day of regional travel, as our COVID19 grip loosens. Loads of people […]

Hot and muggy one, and it’s only getting hotter. That’s something to be excited about. Good to see loads of crew enjoying our weedy waters down Bondi. Small waves, dribbles really, yet contestable. Take a high volume surf craft. Tomorrow, oh boy, tomorrow…hot hot hot! Water has warmed up as, shed some rubber. :: uge, […]

Colour Run
A little bump in swell provided some rideable surf this morning. It’s no Nias 20 foot right-hander with boats going over the falls, but it’s contestable. Calling it waist to shoulder high at Bondi. The main attraction of the morning was the sunrise – wow – what colours! After weeks of clear mornings, we finally […]

Hurro, It’s Friday so let’s kick off with a short film, from last month’s boat trip in the salubrious Mentawais, all shot on my phone (Google Pixel 2). Secondly, I owe you an apology. Up until today, you’ve been viewing my images in low-res, lo-def, 1990’s blurry resolution. So if you have a fancy Retina, […]

The ladies of Bondi were out in force this morning dominating the peak. It’s always a fun (noisier) vibe when the girls are out. They do love their team waves! Good sharers. A band spanking new south swell has arrived in town, and Bondi loves it. I was surprised to see set waves in the […]

Weed Monster
Let’s get on the weed today! Overnight, seaweed has taken over Bondi. In the South end I reckon it was actually acting like a bank and making a left form. Bondi is surfable – but not great. 1-2 footers, with 1 freak tube ridden by Mr. Weetman. The water is warm and relatively uncrowded. 41 […]

Conditions are looking so much better than yesterday. There is still plenty of swell, I am talking 3-4 with the odd bigger set. The sun is out and it’s shaping up to be a cracker. Swell is from the South and the wind has gone Nor-East (grooming). Nor-easter will make it dribble, and weaker (I surfed […]

1st up…It’s Friday so I’ve made a 1 min film clip of the week. (mostly shot this morning). Yeah, it’s cold outside. It’s surprisingly warm still in the water. The only hard part is getting into a damp wettie in the dark and sprinting across the icy sand. The rest is a breeze. Our London […]

I coulda swore the forecast was for small waves this morning. What a nice surprise to see 3-4 footers at Bondi – YES! It was a different kinda morning. Water moving around everywhere, dragging me with it. I shot the left that turned into a right. Rights that turned into burgers. Then a few lefts […]

Every morning I peer through my blinds hoping that just the right amount of cloud will be in the correct position to light up above Bondi. Today it was on. Amazing colours to greet this fine day. Still after 16 years of Bondi sunrises I get stoked to wake up to this! Even though the […]

Little baby 1-2 footers are breaking at Bondi right now. It’s an immaculate summer’s beach day…stick the out-of-office on and get down there. Water is 21 degrees. I’ve had two swims before work…gonna try for 2 more today. :: uge