They sure love a deep, dark tan in Italy


It’s raining in Bondi this morning, and shooting wasn’t high on the priorities. No, I didn’t jump on a plane headed for Italy, do not worry. Pre-Rona, we did a handful of tours in Italy and spent all our money on helicopters – my shooting platform of choice. One heli even stalled over Capri, luckily […]

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Rocky Fontelina


Guess what? It’s still raining. Oh man, the archives are getting a real workout on my blog during La Nina. This morning Bondi has horizontal rain, howling onshores and it’s deserted. Huge swell coming tomorrow – Bondi will be off the charts big. Let’s take a 1 minute trip to the Amalfi Coast of Italy, […]

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Lido del Faro, one of my favourites

Amore dall’Italia

Italy has been hard hit by The Rona. I don’t think we need to go over those statistics that are on a constantly looping on the tele. It’s just so damn sad. It’s no secret, I’ve got a soft spot for Italy. People think I’m Italian, I’m not…the dark tan misleads many. For many years […]

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Italian sun deck

Euro Nostalgia

It’s raining in Sydney; it hasn’t stopped all morning. The crusted salt on my car is finally washing away as hopefully, our farmers are jumping for joy with drought reprieve. The beach was pretty ugly this morning. Grey, dark, 2 foot. Nestle into that office chair, it’s going to rain for 48 hours – get […]

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Blue Grotto, we snuck in before the lock down


We’re on the seductive island of Capri – which just hangs off the Amalfi Coast. Everyone loves this place and I find loads of Aussies here. The raw beauty of this island is breathtaking with enormous cliffs that jut directly from the sea. The water clarity is a constant ‘perfecto’ and water temp a salubrious […]

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Car park empty this morning, just Scottie and his mobile home

Mixed Tape

Another crazy onshore unsurfable day at Bondi Beach. Swell has picked up but it’s been blown to bits. Warning: this email’s content may make you want to jump on a plane tonight and travel. Over’n’out :: uge

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Three buddies, Santa Monica California

Terabytic Discovery

These soggy rainy Sydney days are a great opportunity to dig through the Terabytes of shots taken on recent trips. If I stopped shooting I feel I would have enough supply to show you something every day, for years! (Don’t worry, I am not going anywhere – I love shooting, you know it). Grab a […]

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Pitter patter

Aquabumps HQ is an old mechanics workshop in Bondi Beach. The old tin roof sounds like a machine gun when she’s raining a lot. It’s gonna rain all day I hear – but clear up for tomorrow. The rest of the week is going to be fantastic. So…on this rainy Monday, crank the work out […]

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Capri is an Italian island hanging off the coast of Naples. It’s a rugged chunk of rock that sticks out of the sea. It’s a huge holiday destination and pretty packed at this time of year. The Blue Grotta (or sea cave which is lit from below) is pretty special – write that one down for your […]

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