Friday Swims
Swimming with my camera is one of my favourite angles, as I’m a part of the action – very invigorating! Not many forms of photography allow you to be up so close and involved, ducking under curly lips, together, with my subjects. The banks are pretty awful for surfing (closeouts), but they’re super shallow, putting […]

Geez, the waves turned on yesterday. It’s slowed right down today, but it’s still surfable. Beautiful sun filled morning with the enormous crew out for the early. Boogies, Mals, hungry short boarders – and yep, our resident foil boarder were all out – ready to send you to hospital. 4 per wave, leggies tangled…the full […]

Seeya 2013
In keeping with Aquabumps tradition, the last update of the year shows my favourite shots from 2013. I barely traveled this year so it’s all about Bondi. Next year we are not having babies so I will be back on the plane visiting exotic waves and locations. Special thanks to you all for tuning in. […]

Pop Up
Nice little surprise to find some waves down at Bondi this morning. At around 8am it seemed optimal. Little wind, shoulder high waves on a couple of banks. Not too fat. An hour later, around 9am it didn’t seem as good. Maybe that’s a sign to go to work. This week will roll like this: […]

Turning Point
Not much magic down the beach this morning. More seagulls than humans. The wind is still here and making a mess of it. The forecast says that will slow down hopefully making for cleaner conditions by tonight. The 3-4 footers will fade though…into tomorrow. Surf onshore mush now or 2 foot cleaner stuff tomorrow. What […]

Dolphin Stampede
How about that huge pod of dolphins in the bay this morning. Really quite something. Sets stood tall out the back and Dolphins torpedoed to the beach. The pod hung around all morning freaking out the odd surfer. The waves have come up but it looks like a flimsy wind swell. Nothing special. I’d stick […]

Some days we have pictures of cars, retro architecture, sunrises and pretty girls. Today we have 9, yes you heard right, 9 images of just surfing. Why? ‘Cause it is good out there. Why 9? I think you are ready for 9. Internet speeds are improving so I can feed you more than the usual […]

The forecasted storm only just hit. (10:40am) It’s 35 knots of howling wind ripping Sydney apart. I look out the window and can see junk blowing down my street. The pram just blew over with my 16 month old son Jet in it. He’s ok, no need to call DOCs. This morning at sunrise it […]

Good morning. I am back from Kiwiland (thanks Cuzis) and pleasantly greeted with a new south swell. Bondi was a bit out of control (that means it’s above head high) and Bronte played host to some decent 4-5 footers. Looks like all that wind that blew yesterday stirred up some fruit. If you are not […]

Last night’s sweltering heat brought everyone down the beach this morning…just not the waves. The mercury did not drop below 24.2 degrees last night, just a smidge of the all-time hottest night record for November (24.8). So if you couldn’t sleep last night – that’s why. I couldn’t. When I got down the beach this […]

Sneaky swell
Hola. On Monday the forecast looked rather bleak – lots of zeros on the buoy charts. However the weather was looking impressive and I thought you’d be lying around Lake Bondi sunning it up. I’ve been surprised to find waves most days this week, albeit small ones. Today the SE swell has spiked up overnight […]

A lot of surf photographers use fisheye lenses when shooting in the drink as it can make barrels look wide and you can get up nice’n’snug with your subject (hopefully someone riding high in the bat cave or a nice empty cavity). I like shooting fisheye as I feel a part of the action. Standing […]

I think you all know what I am going to write about today seeing most of you have been out there. All 40,000 of you. The surf is good full stop. We’ve got some decent waves breaking on our holy grail of banks. It’s around 3-4 foot, consistent and fun but the crowds are enormous. […]