It’s stopped raining! Hoooray. It’s been a wet couple of weeks as Warragamba Dam (Sydney’s main water supply) is sitting at 97%. Keep in mind, at this time last year it was only 48%. The winds have kicked up a rogue, random swell. There are waves in the double head high range but it’s so […]

Dozer Dumps
There’s heaps of chunk to the bump this morning. Wow, this new south swell is really drawing into Bondi hard. At sunrise, it was only 3-4 foot (when I shot), but I reckon there are 6-foot bombs out there now. The bigger ones are pretty much folding close (std Bondi). Amazing weather this week! 32 […]

I drifted over the hill to Tamarama this morning in search of better waves. I found some rideable waist to chest high waves on offer, nothing really breaking that impressively. The sunrise was worth celebrating with a colour spray of pink, only for a second, then fading into the greys. If you follow me on […]

C r i s p
Incredibly flat morning…even if you were the keenest of keen you’ll struggle to find a push today. Nice, fresh, crisp morning to be up and about though as the Whales swim across the bay followed by a large pod of dolphins. To top it off, there was a colourful sunrise with some low hanging cloud. […]