Well…it’s been better. As in better waves and better weather. It hasn’t stopped raining for hours and your vehicle is gettin’ a free wash today. I saw junkie waves around head high, sometimes bigger – but the ocean needs to calm down, so does the wind. It’s no Keramas out there…that’s for sure. Enjoy the […]
For something a lil’ different I was loitering around Bronte Pool this morning. Nice down there at sunrise. Not many waves at Bronte as Bondi had all the action. The swell came up as expected, approximately waist to chest high. Looks very weak…so ride something with a high volume of foam. Beautiful day to match, […]
Why all the long (tanned) faces? Oh, back to work for most. Don’t worry, it’s the best day to go back into the office cubicle and hide as the beach has no waves or sunshine. Party is over. For today only. Tomorrow on the other hand is going to be a scorcher and the only […]
Today is another gloomy day down the beach. The wind is still howling and the ocean is a mess. Enough said. All you need to know about today is that the wind will start to drop tonight. Yesterday was an exciting day at the Pipeline Masters in Hawaii. It’s down to Parko and Slater for […]
After a sticky night it’s going to be a hot one today, but still hotter tomorrow. Wow. There are no waves of significance to write about. Knee cappers. Hit the beach, it’s amazing right now. 10/10. Come to the Aquabumps Gallery, we’re open every day 10 to 6 and the deadline for xmas present orders […]
I wish there was more on offer when these giant south swells come to town. There is just nothing rideable around here when it’s like this. Today is the last of the big stuff. From here on the winds will be lighter and our little sand banks will be able to manage the swell. I […]
The Big Boys
We have a giant rogue swell in town…it’s hitting the breakwalls at the back of the beaches. I’ve seen waves this morning up around 8-10 feet. I’ve also spent around 3 hours in the car driving around, stalking rideable swells, but really…it’s not on – too windy. A couple of mates surfed a bombie out […]
Bronte Bunker
Windy and chunky – that’s a good summation of what I saw down the beach today. You’ll need to surf nooks and crannies tucked away from the Southerly. Its kinda offshore right now, SW, but it will edge around to the South later today and pick up to 20 knots. Typical winter’s day. Rained 3 […]
Hi. It’s another nice morning. Kinda freaky with warmer temps as the wind blows from the North, which is uncharacteristic of this time of year. The flimsy ENE swell is still here in town, but its weak and on the decline. I saw ‘waves’ at Bronte around waist high and Bondi has something dribbling in […]
Sorry about the late transmission. No… I haven’t been surfing all morning, even if the waves are the best they’ve been all week long. Finally the winds have swung offshore and the swells are lining up. Bondi at sunrise was very dark with thick cloud cover and a handful of dudes surfing mostly closeouts mixed […]
Today was very similar to the other days of this week…south swell, little bit of wobble, Bondi was no good and closing out, Bronte seemed to have all the action. Small increase in swell today, head high sets for sure. It will fade and another swell will be due on Monday. A little bit warmer […]
Good morning
Started off a little dark this morning. Small glow on the horizon around 7am throwing out a lil’ colour which was nice. Bronte had a clean little waist to head high bump, Bondi had same-same but absolutely no banks to speak off. So bad. Most waves just closing out before you’d even get to your […]
Very dark morning out there. Couldn’t really shoot any images until at least 7am, which is very late for me. The good news is that under all this grey there are waves in Sydney, 3 footers. Bronte looked cleaner and lining up quite nicely this morning around 7:30am. Barely anyone around. Nice protection from the […]