'Bergs baking corner


I don’t want to hear any complaints about the current weather sitch. You’ve had more than your fair share of beaming summer’s days kids! Now it’s time to wash the salt off and knuckle down to some work. It’s raining, today, tomorrow, the weekend and into next week. Waves – small 1-2 footers at Bondi […]

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Sunrise firewalkers, Bronte pool


It’s always a bit bigger in East swells around the corner. Sets were overhead high, but the masking high tide (8:30am) was really putting some wobble, chunk, flab into them walls. A good day for the Northern Beaches! I also swam at Bronte pool this morning, maaaan – that instafamous joint is so packed these days, […]

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A fitting send off for a very loved Bondi local. RIP Annalise.


Bondi has lost a very loved local, Annalise Braakensiek. I’d see her most mornings powering along the Bondi to Bronte path whilst I shoot – cheerful, popular, greeting many. This morning her loved ones came down to South Bondi to send her off. Celebrate her life. Rest in peace, Annalise. :: uge

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Da Bergs split, NYD

It’s your year!

It’s been a while since we’ve been in touch. Hope you had a good break (or still on a break). New Year’s Day – Bondi kicked off 2019 in top gear – January 1 was a full-blown beach day. Every beach was crammed with beachgoers hungry for a cooling off. I’ve been touring northern NSW […]

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The rocky southern corner of Bronte Beach, NSW

The Bird

I tried hard to cover all angles this morning, from air, land and other beaches. Tomorrow I’ll attempt the trifecta with water shots in the mix. There is some left over south swell still in town; it’s only 1-2 foot at the moment. Bondi was closing out with an 8 am low tide. I’d call Bondi […]

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Only one of these every 45 mins, but it can get fun

Bigger better?

Does size count? Is bigger better? Would you rather surf closing out 6-8 foot or clean, 4 foot with multiple opportunities to stab a few holes in the open face. Big swells don’t seem to work well around here (in my opinion). We don’t have reefs that can hold a decent chunk, and our sand […]

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Big set plume, Bronte


The forecasted swell has arrived, it’s smaller than predicted, but very very south (or even Southwest). When it’s too south, it can fly straight past Sydney. Finding a decent wave to surf will be challenging. Bondi was a mess with too much going on. There is going to be waves all week long, it’s not […]

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Dude what globes you using? They're bright. Tamarama


Quite confusing what to wear in the mornings, the weather has been all over the shop. This morning at sunrise was teeshirts only. Small confused north wind swell is in town, the odd 2 footer. Nothing special. The biggest news of the day is that it’s gonna heat up to 25 degrees – beach weather […]

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Best fishing at dawn


On paper, we’ve got all the right ingredients for a great surf day. Offshore grooming winds, 4-5 foot south swells, sunshine…quieter Autumn crowds…so why aren’t I frothing? I just can’t seem to find anything pumping around ‘ere. The swell seems a little random, and junkie. The early morning high tides are fatting up any workable […]

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Grom steals a wave

16 seconds

We have a 16-second, chunky south swell in town today. It’s come up a lot overnight. Bondi wasn’t really handling it (no surprises there) but if you have a hunt around you’ll find something. Protected corners are the better options. Winds remain perfectly west – great for a lot of surf spots in Sydney. The […]

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Men on a cliff and some dude going left

Burning Orange

Crispy clean autumn morning. The horizon was clear of cloud so first light at Bronte was incredibly gold! A welcome sight. Maximum of 22 degrees today. There is a head high south swell in town coupled with favourable west winds. West winds are always cold but best for Sydney surfing. Swell is on the way […]

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Day at Bondi Aquabumps Google Pixel Film Play


One word…cold! Temperatures plummet as we head into a cold weekend. This storm will bring in a big south swell on Sunday/Monday. Boom! Summer is officially over and fond memories of those baking hot beach days slip into the horizon. It sure was a hot one. Watch this short film made entirely on my phone. […]

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Mutant Bronte Reef nugget

The Slow

I was a little shocked to see good (ok, maybe just surfable) waves down at our beaches this morning. Hell, even Bondi had a wave that was not just a shorey. Has the sand finally moved? Don’t get too excited…still, plenty of bank making required. Waves are definitely over head high. The winds are much lighter, […]

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