The pool run around, Bronte

High Hopes

I thought after a day of settling, the ocean would’ve come good. I’ve seen images on The Gram from northside that look inviting. Not much around here though… The swell still looks very wonky, buckled, random. All morning, loitering around many of the Eastern suburbs beaches, I didn’t see anybody get a good wave. It’s […]

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Bronte corner


Today’s images come from high in the sky, mostly around 1000 feet above ground level. From up there, you get a different angle on the world. It was pretty chilly up high – much colder than down here! The visibility is fantastic today, no smoke, no fog, no smog. Sydney is looking it’s best. Enjoy […]

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Roman on a mutant, multi-faced - thing

Sunny Chills

It’s sunny, but it feels cold. At sunrise, it was cold. In my opinion, the ocean looks confused. Another mixture of swells, clashing and washing about. I didn’t really see any quality waves on my morning adventures. There’s a head high wave on offer, but it’s definitely not clean nor organised. For the next few […]

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Bronte shine


Put the boards away and go outside; it’s impressive. Twenty-three banging degrees, not too shabby for a winter’s day. The surf is shabby though. 1 footers, suitable for my micro groms and newbies to the sport. A north wind blew warm and early. The next time you will surf will be Saturday afternoon, Sunday looks […]

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The Groms at Bronte have a crack on a rare set wave


It’s small as the swell switches origins from the nor-east to the south. Our clear winter skies also are changing, as clouds entered stage right and filled the skies by 9 am. It’s about to blow onshore – the rest of the day is going to be a workday. At home, of course. All this […]

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"Spirituality" Tamarama. March 19, 2020


I was shooting Bronte, the mood was OK, people are still going about their morning rituals with a sense of caution. Around 7:45 am an enormous pod of dolphins darted around the point from Bondi – thrusting in the air, bombarding the lineup. They put on the most incredible show – it was kinda like […]

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Bronte after a good pool clean in Feb


How good is the rain! Glorious rain! It is bucketing as I write this post. Not great for my morning photos though… Spike, my 6-year-old, sat in Bondi car park with me this morning, wind wipers blazing, cameras at the ready, 1-2 foot dribblers “Daaada, I want to take over Aquabumps…I wanna take photos…” (music […]

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There's a few waves today rattling down the banks


What a day! A cracker…weatherwise, surfwise, windwise, beachwise…everything wise. Turn your phone off, screens down – hit the beach. The water is warm, the surf is picking up into the 4-6 foot range and the winds are light. It looks like we’re not done with Cyclone Uesi which is sitting south of New Zealand and […]

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Bronte Pool, fresh from a recent clean

Pretty | Ugly

It’s Monday and an ugly beach day, after a very pretty beach weekend. Why so happy? Because there’s water falling from the sky! And a fair bit of it! Yes, we have rain. Patchy it may be, but I’ve never been so damn excited to see rain. This week we have more coming…just hope it […]

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Bronte Pool also known at Bonds Ocean Pool

Bonds Ocean Pool

Today’s wanderings took me to Bronte Pool, one of the most photogenic ocean pools in New South Wales. It’s small, only 30 metres long, but has a cult-like following of hardcore locals that swim all year round. These days Instagram has blown the joint to the universe, so it’s a key photo-geek hang. The pool […]

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Bronte Reef - heading out


Bronte Reef (AKA Bunnies) had a few sloppy head high waves this morning. A couple of adventurous souls out in the darkness, hunting, waiting optimistically. Winds are ESE 11 knots (onshore basically everywhere)…it’s not really a beach day! Sit back, relax, grab a cuppa, maybe watch a few of my mini films from better times. Check […]

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Bronte, hued and relatively quiet this morning

The Cutting

Mostly a grey morning with a hint of colour. Not really any surfable waves, a small crumble at Tamarama, a log 1 footer at Bondi. You’d be OK if you hit the snooze button and slept in. The good news is there’s swell coming tomorrow which will build over the next few days. It’s all […]

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Bronte Pool, a magnet for early-birds

Fresh Batch

Fresh new SE groundswells, shark sightings, dust storms, Aquaman kidnapping, offshore winds…and…massive crowds. It’s all happening down the beach this morning. I was up around 5am and there were plenty of people up a lot earlier than I. When I rocked up at Bronte Pool the car park was pretty full (5:15 am), and Instagram […]

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