Golden Treats
What a fantastic day to be in Sydney. Superb weather, offshore winds and 3-4 foot waves. Swell is now coming from the SE, lighting up most beaches. I bet your local had something… If you can’t get down the beach today, don’t stress. The forecast looks quite healthy for the next week. More 3 foot/offshore […]

It was an all-star cast down at Bondi this morning enjoying 2-3 footers. Everywhere I looked someone was doing a major hack, air, tailwaft…etc…etc. Taj Burrow must of heard about our good waves and stopped by on his way home (W.A. could have some big waves this weekend). Love Monday’s as the crowds are super […]

Morning Glory
The hardest part of my morning is the time between peeling out of bed and putting on a wet wetsuit. From then on it’s all gravy. These cold mornings make you feel magnetised to your bed…but should you get up and get down the beach, you will find warm water, 2 footers and glorious morning […]

A L L – S T A R
It was an all-star cast down at Bondi Beach this morning. Pamatatua Davies, Sam Mac, Brett Anderson, Ian Wallace, The Gonz, Brucey Stafford, Sam Jackson… hell even Tom Bird paddled out for the early. There’s waves around head high. The banks aren’t that great but there is a rip bowl in the middle of the […]

Don’t be sad about those grey skies. It’s those grey skies and low pressure systems that create waves. The swell has arrived and Bondi was fun yesterday/today. So fun. I can’t believe we are surfing waves that break above our heads! Let’s party. It’s been a while. Today was relatively uncrowded at Bondeye – being […]

The good times continue to roll…instead of a thick fog this morning we’re been sprayed with colour as the sun rose over Ben Buckler. Not bad huh? The waves are still there and our beloved right-hander is producing, just dropped a gear. It’s waist to head high, some crackers and some not so crackers. As […]

Hola. Taking photos whilst swimming with my camera is pretty random. You’re never quite sure what you’ll come back with. Basically it’s pot luck and you just float around waiting for something interesting to happen – then pray that you actually focussed the camera properly when ‘it’ happens! We’ve been lucky lately with stunning mornings […]

That was one hell of a storm that blew over on the weekend. Brutal. Saturday night I thought I was going to be roofless. The swell was rogue for most of the weekend and you needed to seek protected corners to find a wave. Balmoral and the harbour even had waves. The swell is dropping […]

Red Rock
The beaches of Sydney have copped a pounding over the past couple of weeks. All the sand at South Bondi has been ripped off the beach and dragged back out to sea exposing a series of bright red rocks that I didn’t know existed. Today is much calmer than recent times. The past 2 weeks […]

Blimey, summer is sure havin’ a rough start. Rain and wind dominate the landscape this morning. Bumps down at Bondi were breaking 2 foot with some 3 foot junk. It’s onshore galore and not ideal for surfing…pass. Outlook – yep we’ve got swell, but plenty of wind. What you really want to know is when […]

Chop Suey
Still no relief from the easterly onshore winds, which are currently blowing 10 knots. Bondi was a junkie 3 foot and I am struggling to come up with anything else to write about – yawn… From today the swell will tweak around to the east and the weekend will have a new ENE swell. The […]