Summer Haze
A beautiful day to kick off the week – plenty of sunshine, small NE swell continues to trickle into the bay (around the corner would be much bigger). Thunderstorms and maybe rain is forecast for later today – so enjoy the morning sess. The banks are very strange at the moment – fickle on the […]

An excellent supply of fresh southerly lines was creeping into the bay at sunrise. Fortunately, the sun was out, a bonus, as we look to be slipping into our third La Nina wet season. Winds are currently from the East, 6 knots. Surface quality seems to be holding up. This afternoon this swell will peak, […]

Full Tide
There are waves suitable for riding today! It’s calmed down a lot, and Bondi had multiple peaks running with something for you to slay. The 7 am full tide wasn’t kind, putting HEAPS of fat wobbles in faces, making it random. Bit fools goldish. The lower tides should be more generous. Twenty-five degrees today, light […]

The 8 am Dolphin Bondi show was cancelled, not a Flipper in sight at sunrise. It was amusing how many people came down in the hope to see another Dolphin festival – doesn’t happen every day aye…I’m down there every day. This morning was quite unusual. Hear me out. In the south end, we had […]

Winter Magic
What a fantastic morning outside. We’re looking at another warm 21-degree day. Enjoy it as some cooler weather approaching for the weekend. The waves were OK(ish). There’s stuff for you to paddle onto, but the banks just don’t seem to want to co-operate. The odd rip-bowl has some goodness, otherwise, it was pretty straight. Drone […]

Dutch Oven
It is the second day of summer and one of the coolest days in a while! Crazy. The smoke is back. You would’ve smelt it in the middle of the night and probably closed the windows. Really weird light and colours this morning as the atmosphere was filled with smoke. I didn’t quite know what […]

Baby Oil
Ah yes, a salubrious beach day. Can you smell the baby oil? If you’re at your desk reading my daily ramble, you’re in the wrong place. You need to go for a swim, ’cause it’s a bewty outside – max. 27 degrees. Waves – yeah yeah, so so. Dropped off heaps from yesterday. Dribbly 1ish, […]

After a night of thunderstorms and a tiny bit of rain, it’s all cleared up and a great morning for a swim. It will heat up to 31 degrees today, a hot one. Tonight let’s hope those rumbling thunderstorms actually bring a decent night of rain to help with our hazardous dry conditions. Swell is […]

Plagued by an early morning low tide, a Sou-Sou-East swell is still kicking into Bondi. I saw closeouts around 3 foot at sunrise. 1 pm is high tide, as it fills up there should be some waves around (yep, just looked across the road from AB headquarters, there are waves 10:59 am). Head high too! […]

Same-same but different
It started out as a stock standard, off the rack Bondi morning with clear skies, 3-4 foot closeouts and offshore breezes. The vibes a little different though, plenty more people down there in the morning doing their spring/summer rituals. The promenade was busy, the bootie camps 20% more participants, 24% more dog walkers – and […]

It’s gonna rain soon. If you haven’t been down for a swim/surf you’re running out of time. It’s going to rain for a couple of days and hopefully fill our dams. At sunrise the skies were clear, by 9am it’s greyed over. Tiny swell still producing a few fun little waves for the frothers. Wednesday […]

At first light, I swam out the back of Bondi dragging a camera. It was a mistake; I ended up swimming against a rip for an hour. So much water moving around in the bay. I would get sucked out to sea, then across to The ‘Bergs, and then back out again! After 5 laps in […]

I thought there’d be more swell this morning. Ian Wallace reckons it will hit at 4 pm tonight. If not, call him and complain! Haha. It wasn’t that surfable. I saw one lone wolf in the middle – he only caught one wave riding a 9-foot board. It was 4-6 foot, but they reckon on sunset it […]