For something a lil’ different I was loitering around Bronte Pool this morning. Nice down there at sunrise. Not many waves at Bronte as Bondi had all the action. The swell came up as expected, approximately waist to chest high. Looks very weak…so ride something with a high volume of foam. Beautiful day to match, […]

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Goedemorgen. (That’s good morning in Dutch). Finally the sun won the fight for some air time today, yep we have rayz…for now. Dark clouds lurk on the sidelines and threaten a rinse later today. A very mild summers day is forecasted with a maximum of 24. Waves, yep we have some of those as well, […]

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Hola. There is still a little bit of swell left over and it seems to be getting into Bondi (2-3ft), but is pretty junkie. Thankfully the sun partially came out. Today will be 24 degrees, cloudy with rain later. Winds are E/SE 10-20 knots. The East wind is our nemesis – corrupting most beaches in […]

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Friday Fix

I’m pretty sure today is the worst surf day of this week (on this side of the bridge that is…). The wind was in early, the swell has dropped and not a great deal of sunshine to enjoy. Quite a difference 24 hours can make. Yesterday was a goodie…surfed twice. There’s not much happening all […]

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