There was a little bump to surf this morning. It’s definitely not pumping. Let’s just call it surfable. Surfable with a very hungry pack on it. I have to admit, I thought it was going to be a hell of a lot better today than what I am seeing. On paper, it looked the goods. […]

The waves were and still are quite good this morning. Bondi is lacking banks so a short drive to Maroubra proved fruitful. Waves broke at the D-bowl around shoulder to head high, plenty of hollow ones at sunrise. Another nice peak in the middle of the beach illustrated from the bird above…The swell is dead […]

The Junkyard
Good morning kids. In the shadows of recent morning gold, today is rating relatively low. The surf has gone all junkie and bumpy (smaller too!2/3). There were a few fun lefts, odd right but definitely not cranking. The banks are still there and it looks like more swell arrives tomorrow – hopefully it will switch […]