Mental Monday
Everybody loves these mental days when the waves are gigantic and wild. I get asked how big – gosh, I saw sets in the 12ft+ range. The entire bay sometimes closed out as water ran up and hit the ramps. Icebergs was inundated whilst spray at Ben Buckler was at least 4 storeys. Is it […]

Swell Hangover
Well…where do I start? OK, maybe watch this first. The weekend was full of rogue south swell. What an action packed weekend! So much going on. 10 footers were a common sight. I thought it was quite hard to find surfable waves though. I didn’t search too hard, but it was maxing out, everywhere. Yesterday […]

Turning on…
A nice morning to wake up to 6-foot waves in Sydney. The offshores are freezing though. Dress up for the occasion. It’s a south swell and a bit too big for Bondi, which was empty. Bondi can’t handle waves over head high – we need a reef for that. A few nooks and crannies around the […]

So many places would be lighting up today…most of them are a minimum 3-4 hours drive away from here. Every time I book a day of meetings you can be assured 6 foot pumping south swell! Yes give me a tissue… If you’re reading this you really should get outside and go for a drive […]

The Big Boys
We have a giant rogue swell in town…it’s hitting the breakwalls at the back of the beaches. I’ve seen waves this morning up around 8-10 feet. I’ve also spent around 3 hours in the car driving around, stalking rideable swells, but really…it’s not on – too windy. A couple of mates surfed a bombie out […]

Wow what a morning…The swell peaked at sunrise and is thumpin’ right now. One of the best days shooting in some time…my cards are full of golden light, big chunks and roaring offshore plumes. Most breaks in our area are max’ing out. Bronte had a fat (big) wave – breaking wide (6ft +), nothing special. […]

Friday the 13th
The swell has come up and surpassed all of our expectations – it’s huge! Seeing it’s coming from the dead south Bondi is wearing the full brunt of this new ground swell. I saw sets up in the 8-9 foot range closing out the whole bay. Quite exciting really. I love how big waves stop […]

Big Bondi
Today is quite boring compared to yesterday. 3-4 foot closeouts down at Bondi on the low tide – I sat there for 1 hr and barely got a decent shot of anyone….but let’s talk about yesterday – how spectacular was that! You could see it was going to be a solid day from the morning […]

Swell Boost
As promised the swell went from nought to hundred overnight. Yesterday’s Lake Bondi is now a cracking 6 foot solid with the odd stand up barrel. It’s not perfect…many waves are shuttin’ down and some are very wonky with new-swell-morning-sickness…but at least you’ll get the blood pumping on this freezing Thursday morning. If are lucky […]

Rogue Burgers
The amazing thing about living in Sydney is how close you can actually get to big waves. Today the swell is up, waves at Bondi thundering across the bay around 8 foot…mean while you can sit poolside and have a coffee at Crabbe hole (Icebergs) just metres away and check the sets. Last night Bondi […]

Moving chunks
There are a lot of places I’d rather be right now. Don’t get me wrong, sitting in a dark room above the Aquabumps Gallery pumping out the daily ritual of 5 photos and ramble is better than licking stamps or diggin’ a holes for a living. A mate of mine, Sam, just walks around his […]

Big chunks
The swell has kicked up overnight and waves are breaking around 6 foot. Small time Bondi isn’t handling the new big conditions well – max’d out. In fact I couldn’t find anything worth surfing along all the eastern suburbs beaches. North Bondi has a confused 3 foot hollow left that predominantly shuts down. Bronte was […]

Yesterday’s booming swell has slipped a couple of gears and the onshore nemesis has made a mess of things. Bondi was a rogue 4-5 foot with no one out. Pouring rain earlier today made it hard to get shots, so here is some pics from yesterday’s big swell session. Tomorrow is still big (SSW winds […]