New Swell
There is a fresh new south swell in town, and it’s got some chunk. There was (kinda) a peak in the middle, but now the flags have gone up – blocking access. 95% of waves are closing out dead straight. You’d barely get to your feet…go for a drive. It’s sunny offshore and gonna get […]

Well, it’s been a rather exciting couple of days. I am not sure where to begin. We’ve gone from dull rainy days to non-stop action in the ocean. It all began late Friday when a gale force wind hit Sydney. It rattled my house all night, and on Saturday, we woke to an enormous, unprecedented, […]

Today is a big day both in the surf and online. There’s plenty of energy in both. With the odd monster set, Bronte to Bondi had some very chunky-chunks, easily double head high+. Not many takers as the work-to-reward equation were off – so much paddling, so little surfing! I feel it’s gonna drop off […]

Today feels different; it feels close to regular times. Schools back full time, heaps of traffic as lots of people returning to work and most importantly, Aquabumps fresh photos resume. Yeah, I’m back on the tools shooting at sunrise, as I’ve done for more than two decades. The changes are scary and exciting…I’m just stoked […]

I thought there’d be more swell this morning. Ian Wallace reckons it will hit at 4 pm tonight. If not, call him and complain! Haha. It wasn’t that surfable. I saw one lone wolf in the middle – he only caught one wave riding a 9-foot board. It was 4-6 foot, but they reckon on sunset it […]

There’s a thumping, chunky, monster swell in town today. It’s big, very big. Like 8 foot plus big. Winds were offshore this morning but it looks pretty rogue for surfers. If you wanna get wet, you will either have to go to a very protected south corner or hit a reef that holds chunk. We […]

Gone Baby Gone
Well…that was a massive weekend around Bondi Beach. So much going on I don’t quite know where to start. Bowl-a-rama filled most of the south end whilst a wandering shark evacuated the beach yesterday at 8am. The weather was incredible and a rogue NE swell arrived, from TC Gita. Bondi and Tama had some average waves, […]

These chunky swells are a little frustrating around the eastern suburbs. Even though it’s dropped considerably overnight (still 4-6 foot), the wild oceans just don’t break how we want ’em until its smaller, cleaner. Sheltered nooks like Manly should have something to shred… I know a few places out of town that would be cooking […]

Wild Child
Oh man, it’s been windy. Wind is good, wind creates waves. When this wind dissipates there will be decent (clean) surf for us to talk about. At the moment it’s very wild out there. So wild I reckon your board would blow clean out of your hands before it even got to the water. Sheltered beaches […]

Today’s quite interesting. I am not too sure what to make of it. Last night it all flipped, we now have an NE swell – and a big one. Waves look very junkie around here – but I KNOW places must be cooking right now. F.O.M.Oing quite badly here at my desk. I’d check the […]

Well, hello swell…again.
We meet again… The big boys are back in town and Bondi is maxed this morning, again. Today just doesn’t match yesterday. We went from a flat rainy day to 6 foot plus and sunny. I think the thermostat is broken as well. It’s super cold after one of the hottest July days in years […]

The Big Boys
There is a new long period south swell rocking Sydney as I write this. Oh boy, it’s big! On paper, it was hard to determine what actually would happen this morning. 2-metre swell, 15 second period. It’s the period that was the X factor. I knew it would be good, but I didn’t realise it would […]

Big is not always best…especially around here with the lack of reef breaks. The swell increase has arrived right on time, sets peaking around double head high, but it’s all over the shop. Bondi, of course, is not surfable. A few body surfers swam out the back, but I didn’t see them do much. It’s […]