The early risers will score the best of it today. Fun little peaks down at Bondi as the sun broke through the morning clouds. I’d say it’s mainly 2 foot with 3 foot boomers. Crowds are mid range, but there was some fun out there…for now…before a howling 30 knot southerly rips this town to […]
A lil’ spike in swell is providing plenty of waves for all this morning. Tad more south in it, SSE at 9.6 secs. Quite a few breaks working around the 3-4 foot mark and this morning’s low tide (5.11am at 0.44m) is puttin’ some hollow in them walls. Board snappin’ material. The weather man is […]
Low tide shanks
If you get in your car and head north or south you’re bound to score something worth braggin’ to the fellas ‘bout. Why? Well we have a small east swell running, and its getting’ bigger as the day plays out. What else huh? Westerly winds all day long – perfect offshores making those low tide […]