Yet again, another winter corker. Fortunately, the swell spiked up a bit. Clean air, clear skies, warm water – the whole bit. I’ve got this week’s Episode 3 ready to go, all filmed around here by yours truly. Every Friday I will try to release a short film summarising the week just gone. Grab a cuppa, […]

After a really cold start, things are starting to warm up. The winds are frosty offshore, it’s SO much warmer in the water than it is out. It felt like a bath. There is a right-hand rip bowl at South Bondi. It’s only 2 foot and heaps of water running out, so maintaining a relevant […]

Where did it all go? Overnight the swell ran off leaving barely any scraps. From 4 foot to 0 foot! Breathe…breathe…it’s coming back. In fact it will be too big tomorrow to surf around here. I would go for a long drive and chase locations that suit 6 foot dead south swell with offshore hooooowwwwliung […]

Yeah, Naah
Last nights’ storms weren’t that bad. Bit of wind and rain. That’s all gone now. Think we were all on high alert after the big one. There is swell, it’s fresh (NE), it’s wonky and still working itself out. Hopefully the underlying South swell will kick a little for Bondi surfers. Is it pumping ? […]

New Year’s Day Hi Res
Hello 2016 you good thing. Welcome to a brand new year of Aquabumps. Our 17th year of operation (and I am not THAT old – obviously). The first shoot I took on for the year was hovering 1,000 feet above Bondi and Coogee on New Year’s Day. It was an incredible beach day and the […]

I was down the beach with Mick today. The biggest name in surfing right now as he’s looking down the barrel of a 4th world title…yes, four! Mick and I have a lot in common… Mick EUGENE Fanning. Top name. Mick is a ambassador for the primo german vehicles – Audi. Same same. Mick spent […]

Double Bangers
How good was the double banger rainbows last night? Oh the romance… I only got a quick one on my phone but Robbie Norman scored this work of art above. You’ll find Robbie at @stillnothere The surf was a little disappointing this morning as I had high hopes of it cranking. It’s small. Like 1-2 […]

Bondi is a unique place. Why? It was 5:45am when I rolled down the beach. That’s pretty early for most humans. As I came over the hill I could see thousands of people doing something. Surfing, jogging, bootie campin’, sun baking and even a few leftovers from the pub rolling around in the sand trying […]

Let’s Get High
There’s no better day to get high together. Classic Bondi today – 28 degrees, little wind and the magic water temperature of 22 degrees. Shame the surf is barely breaking above your knee caps. An early flight and here’s what Bondi looks like when its waking up, from above. My mate Rupert Murdoch reckons the […]

Howdy…we’re on the road. The Road to the Pro that is…all 844 kilometres of coastal highways from Sydney to Snapper Rocks. I’ve never done this drive in one continuous trip. I’m excited about finding a few waves along the way that fall into the cracks and particularly uncrowded ones (Bondi does get a lil’ hectic). […]

The swell has arrived but so has that pesty SE onshore wind. Sometimes onshore Bondi can be kinda fun, no crowds, little more push but I reckon too much blow today…wait ‘til she settles. Tomorrow is going to be REALLY windy (30 knots) and wet…Sunday the winds should kick around to the NE and provide […]

Friday Fix
Two weeks ago we did a road trip through some of New Zealand’s spectacular beaches with our guide, Kiwi surf legend, Maz Quinn. N-Zed is such a under-rated surf destination with so many good setups, I’ll be back for sure. The photos I took on the roadie were very popular with you all, so I […]

Ni hao
Hurro from China. Kane Skennar got out at Bondi to shoot my morning snaps again today seeing I’m a long way from the beach. Fortunately it looks like the onshore wind has died down, the waves are 2-3 foot and a few junkie opportunities around the place. Tomorrow should be cleaner (but again smaller) – […]