The Gap
It was a dark morning as we head into Autumn late rises. The cloud filled horizon didn’t help. A slither, a gap, a hole in the sky created around 15 minutes of fruitful image capture down at Bondi Beach. There are waves this morning. Well, it’ ain’t Teahupoo, but you can surf a wave waist […]

Every year I fly over that little ditch to New Zealand. This year I’m in the Taranaki area, where the mountains meet the coast. (The wild west coast of the North Island). The area has two main attractions – Obviously Mt Taranaki, an enormous, stunningly symmetrical volcanic cone towering 2.5kms over the rogue coast. The 105-kilometre […]

It was an odd kinda morning. The change is here. It looked inviting (for a bit) then dumped rain. I’m writing this with rays of sunshine spraying into the studio…so I’m assuming all good now? Maybe. The weather is messing with us. Flirting with us. We cannot complain as we’ve had a fantastic run of […]

Hola banditos. I’m on the move again. I took a short flight across the ditch to connect with a long haul flight to South America. It’s actually not that far from Sydney. 12 hours from Auckland and I’ve popped up in the cosmopolitan city of Buenos Aires (thanks to Air New Zealand). Si! It’s kind a like […]

Call me one dimensional…but I don’t go inland much. In fact I barely go past Bondi Junction. But…at a whiff of snow dumping in Queenstown I’ll stray from my coastal haven to find some solitude in the mountains. I reckon this place is one of the best looking destinations on the globe – full stop. You […]

The Cooks
Kia Orana. Welcome to The Cook Islands people! Crew warned me that the water here is unrealistically blue…take a look at that first shot above…touch the screen…yeah it’s real baby…that’s blue az…and the locals reckon with this shocking weather it looks much better than this normally. The Cook Islands are super laid back taking island […]

Good Times
The wave machine has kicked into gear and firing 3-4 footers into the Bondi bay. It looked fun, little random, little wobbly, but at least waves are over head high. Good times…sun’s out – bonus. Have a great day, uge

H A V I x A B
After a few stormy days earlier in the week we have defaulted back to summer gold. This morning was real nice. One of those days where people say to me all morning “How good is this!” I couldn’t agree more. The water was warm, calm and the odd chest high wave. Good for a mal. […]

Yesterday’s swell has run out of gas and we’re back in Dribbleland. It’s micro and best suited to long boarding and newbies to the sport like my new son Spike (Ok maybe we had better wait a year or two as he’s only 2 weeks old). The water is 10 out of 10 though. Just […]

1 D I G I T
Super chilly morning as it dropped to a single digit. I still saw people roaming around in boardies, just like in summer. A small wave was trickling in on a shallow bank at Bondi. Maaan it was quite hectic though. Everyone was keen to soak up the winter sunshine. Don’t forget I have 2 cameras […]

the lost swells
The weather has been real nice but how about some swell? Today’s the same as the past week, waistline chuggers best suited to surf craft over 9 foot. I have to ‘fess up, my pics make it look much better than it actually was down there. Best day this week to surf – Thursday. Have […]

What a day aye? Sunny and 25. Just perfect. Little left chuggin’ into Bondi. Good for the big mals. Waist to sometimes shoulder high. Friday should have a little wave. Other than that – it’s going to be small for some time now…which normally comes hand in hand with good weather as a high pressure […]

24 karat
It all kicked off today with a gold-plated morning around 7:10am. The clouds broke open for a brief moment and the bay was flooded with 24 karat rays. Quite the spectacle. This time of year the light is clean, crisp and gold – my favourite. The sun rises over the Ben Buckler when in its […]