Pitter patter
Aquabumps HQ is an old mechanics workshop in Bondi Beach. The old tin roof sounds like a machine gun when she’s raining a lot. It’s gonna rain all day I hear – but clear up for tomorrow. The rest of the week is going to be fantastic. So…on this rainy Monday, crank the work out […]

After 28 days of mighty fine sunshine in Sydney we’ve entered a storm phase. That’s cool. It’s cool. My garden is loving it. Gives me an opportunity to organise the terabytes and dig for gold that you’ve haven’t seen yet. Today – Brazil vs Italy. 2 places I recently visited for the first time and […]

Capri is an Italian island hanging off the coast of Naples. It’s a rugged chunk of rock that sticks out of the sea. It’s a huge holiday destination and pretty packed at this time of year. The Blue Grotta (or sea cave which is lit from below) is pretty special – write that one down for your […]

Costiera Amalfitana
The forecast for today on the Amalfi Coast…34 degrees and sunny. Just like yesterday. In fact, just like the last 3 months. Lucca, who makes my morning coffee reckons it’s only rained once in 2 months (Disclaimer – Lucca’s English is as good as my Italian, we make do with lots of hand movements). It’s the perfect […]