Whilst most of the New Caledonian population live in the main city of Noumea, the mind-blowing beaches and terrain are away from the centre. Today we flew across to the extremely chilled, authentic island of Ouvea. (only 30 mins away). Ouvea is famous for its fluorescent blue water. It reminded me of Formentera in Spain, […]

Blue Lagoon
Bonjour from the glorious South Pacific! I’ve slipped up to New Caledonia for a few days to explore the island chain that has some of the largest lagoons in the world. Whilst their lagoons are vast, they’re pretty untouched. I flew 150kms in a heli this morning and reckon I spotted 1 fisherman and 1 […]

Funky Cold Medina
Heeeyaa. The surf was rubbish this morning. Robin reckons there is a left in the corner, but I couldn’t see it with all the junk and chop. Slight onshore conditions this morning which will kick around to ENE today, may get cleaner, but there is no guts to this swell – weak as…lots of flappin’. […]