The waves have subsided and the winds are howling – the kite surfers are celebrating. The waves here in Fiji are only 1-2 foot on the nearby right, and sloppy 4 foot at a piece of reef in the middle of nowhere (Despos)…so the 22 people on this island had to think creatively how to spend our day. Dan circumnavigated the 1-acre island on a lylo in 30 mins. Some hit the booze from midday and polished up their karaoke skills. A hand full swam out to the protected side of the island and messed around on the ocean floor trying to Ollie a coral head (that’s different). Swell due to arrive Friday, mid range, might be enough to see Cloudbreak light up. Lets hope it arrives soon ::uge
underwater antics

Underwater skatepark

Dan Demaria thinking he's back at his office desk

Lifeguards Kim and Lee

Too much carva. Sleep time
Ah yes….
The infamous Fiji flatspells.
many a fine lad has lost his mind out there……….
actually.. it’s KAVA, not carva 😀
Kava is spelt with a K, no c or r…does make you sleepy though!