
What a top morning. In fact, what an epic beach weekend.

You all look a little browner and more relaxed than you did on Friday. I hope you spent the whole weekend down the beach! I did.

This week looks like another good beach week with a twist. There’s a big mutha cyclone swell lurking and will charge in late this week. People are getting exciting. My phone is full of msgs and froth. Where to go in such chunky ENE swell conditions? I’ll be wave-stalking tubes somewhere between here and Queensland and will make my mind up as late as possible. Where are you headed?

Ok, back to today. Small waves, surfable, chest high and clean, warm water. So good.

:: uge

Bubbles, Bondi


My mate Ray


Bondi morning vibes


K-ron on the run, Bondi


Where's gentleman's chivalry gone?


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